Tagged 'Create'

Create Quick Wall

7 votes

This script allows us to quickly create a wall using the shape (linee, text, circle ecc..)


----- Features

Create Editable Box on Target

4 votes

This script will create an editable box that will match volume size of target(group, object, light, camera, spline, helper, basically anything that has a bounding box). In addition it will match name, position, and create UVW Mapping modifier(box), and setting mat id's uniques to all sides.

Create-Modify switcher

4 votes

The only one hotkey toggles Create mode and Modify mode. Works as cycle.

Convenient to exit / enter the edit mode of the object.

Только одной кнопкой переключает Create mode и Modify mode. Работает как цикл.

Удобно для того чтобы выйти/зайти в режим редактирования объекта.

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