Create-Modify switcher

4 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Nikolay Litvinov

The only one hotkey toggles Create mode and Modify mode. Works as cycle.

Convenient to exit / enter the edit mode of the object.

Только одной кнопкой переключает Create mode и Modify mode. Работает как цикл.

Удобно для того чтобы выйти/зайти в режим редактирования объекта.

Additional Info: 


  • Drop *.ms to viewport
  • Restart 3dsMax

Version 1.0: Release script
Version 1.1: Added transition to Select mode of tools
Version 1.2: simplified script
Version 1.3: Switches on "Select mode"


  • Перетащить *.ms во въюпорт
  • Перезагрузить 3dsMax

Версия 1.0: Выход скрипта
Версия 1.1: Добавлен переход на режим инструментов Select
Версия 1.2: Скрипт упрощён
Версия 1.3: Переключается на "Select mode"

Version Requirement: 
cms.gif17.03 KB
create-modify_switcher_v1.3.ms446 bytes


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xaled's picture


One of my favorites, been using this for almost 5 years, Really useful.

Nik's picture

I try it.

I try it.

Haider of Sweden's picture



Does Max support a hotkey like ctrl-mousewheel? Then one could switch back and forth with the wheel

Kind regards

jean-bedrossian's picture

i need hellp plz


any one can fix this please i need hellp :(

1384955_10201613527152606_1417765042_n.jpg 75.31 KB
Nik's picture

Thanx :)

Enjoy :)

Candlee's picture

great script

Thanks!! for great script :)

jean-bedrossian's picture

Nice :) Nikolay

hello Nikolay

its cool i like it Please i want your help if you can help me (i find helper maker but i want) i work kitchen company (i find helper maker but i need) to make button for each cabinet like (cabinet 50 width) ( cabinet 45 width) (cabinet 40 width) ..... i don't want use ( import it or merge it or use inherit ) same like i choose Box or sphere or cone same button , please if u know help thx for u so much :D

Nik's picture
jean-bedrossian's picture

I Can't Find it

hello Nikolay

i want ask you please i do same thing what you say i can't find it in customize user interface

:) thx

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