Tagged 'fbx'

UDK FBXporter

2 votes

This is a script the keeps track of "ExportSets" for UDK. It stores what object should be exported, and with what settings. It greatly speeds up the process of exporting to FBX for UDK, as you don't have to select anything and there's no export dialog anymore!
Right now it only supports Static Meshes and SkeletalMeshes, I might add animation in the future.

This is a macroscript that appears in the "FBX Export Sets" category. It should already have an icon if you place it on a toolbar.

Stretchy Bones Converter

1 vote

Script for automating the process of getting 3dsMax's native stretchy bones into any game engine: creating a separate de-hierarchized bone structure that follows the motion of the base bone structure and automatically migrating skin weights on a mesh to those new bones.

Select the bones that you want to be affected with "Pick bones" button.
Select the affected mesh with a skin modifier with "Pick skinned object" button.
Press "Convert and reskin" button.


Batch Export Any Format

1 vote

To Batch export use it script with "Batch It Max" script. "Batch It Max" can run any script on multiple files with single click.

Link for Batch It Max : http://paulneale.com/scripts/batchItMax/batchItMax.htm

cHaNTool - Multi_Export_Converter_Ver2.0

1 vote

FBX Saver

0 votes

Just help you fast export to fbx.

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