MCG Cosmic Vibrator

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Date Updated: 

Put some vibes into your objects. Teach the kids about electrons and the Uncertainty Principle...

 Ver 2.00.00: Added colours so that as the electron jumps to different levels it will take on different colours depending on MultiMatIDs. Or if using vertex colours, it will become whiter the higher it jumps.

You can simply put the 3 files into your current tools directory and overwrite.

If view is blocked from Youtube, try this

3ds Max Version Requirement: 
Video URL: 
vu_vibrator_1.00.00.zip13.03 KB
blendblacktowhite.zip755 bytes
remap.zip805 bytes
vu_vibrator_2.00.00.zip36.98 KB


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vusta's picture

Ver 2.00.00: added colours

added colours to the vibes....

vusta's picture

put on a Flex modifier

and watch your throbber comes to life...

vusta's picture

added BlendBlackToWhite compound

Thought I included everything...but someone said the BlendBlackToWhite was missing... so here it is...

Also included Remap, the old Remap has the Div by 0 flaw in it...

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