Tagged 'remesh'

VdbRemesh Modifier Plugin by PolyDesign

0 votes


VdbRemesh is a C++ based Multi-threaded, openvdb based remeshing modifier plugin for 3dsMax.
It comes with a procedural filter stack that has 10 filters ready to be applied in any order.
Since it is a volume based modifier, it works much different than the traditional surface modifiers.
Since it is a procedural modifier, you can add more than one vdb remesh to an object with different settings.
It produces only quads if the adaptivity settings is zero.
It can be used to
smooth the edges of hard surface cad models.

Voxel Remesh

4 votes

Voxel Remesh is a multi-threaded & C++, volume based remeshing plugin for 3dsMax developed by PolyDesign.

- Volume based Voxel Remesh allows you to:
Create closed surfaces from self intersected meshes,
Create a high-poly mesh for baking with round edges,
Create a lowpoly mesh from highpoly,
Generate a better topology for 3d scan meshes,
Create level designs,
Create organic meshes in 3dsMax,
Create an evenly distributed polygonal mesh for physics simulations,
A dynamesh like workflow,
- And much more depending on the artist's creativity :)

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