Martin Breidt's blog

New "quote ware" license

Just a short note to inform you that I have changed the license of all my scripts.

A few words about gizmoControl

I recently released a new script called 'gizmoControl'.

While I think the script can be very useful, the names used and my explanations might be suboptimal and therefore, I'll try to better explain what use this script can be.

So what does the script do?

Autodesk masters

This year's Autodesk Master nominations are out and I am very honored to be listed amongst so many other great folks! Everybody is are more than welcome to cast a vote.

Website update

Just a short note about a long overdue update to my website: 

Project Switcher

Just uploaded a new script for quickly switching back and forth between different projects folders. They were new in 3dsmax and allow for relative path names (so you can quickly move an entire project to some other folder). Unfortunately, there is no history about previously used folders, and I my projects are deeply nested on the network so I wrote that script to be able to switch between the projects without browsing the entire network structure.

There seems to be a small bug in 3ds Max 2008. It causes projectSwitcher to always show a
Browse-Folder-Dialog when swichting projects. This can be fixed by manually editing the file Macro_SetProjectFolder.mcr in the <3dsmax_root>\ui\macroscripts directory and changing

local _SetProjectFolder_macro_option_promptUser
local _SetProjectFolder_macro_option_newFolder

in line 25 and 26 to

global _SetProjectFolder_macro_option_promptUser
global _SetProjectFolder_macro_option_newFolder

Save the .mcr file and restart 3ds Max. This should return normal functionality for projectSwitcher


Problems with infoOverlay and Max 9?

Some people have reported problems (i.e. crashes) with infoOverlay and 3ds Max 9.

I will see what I can do about this but any additional information from others (reproducable errors ideally) would be most welcome. 


Nice new feature, this blog! Let's see how easy this is to use.

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