Tagged 'store'

Pose Store Helper

31 votes

A scripted helper plugin designed primarily for storing, animating and editing poses in a bone based facial rig, offering the control of a bone based rig and the speed of the morpher modifier.

+++ UPDATE: Now includes mirror pose functionality.

Playback Tools

6 votes

This script offers easy to access tools for controlling animation time and playback, as well as the ability to save a few ranges to jump to.

It is a highly modified version of Jim Jagger's original Playback Tools and uses his icons.



- Player controls

- Playback speed controls

- UI hide toggle

- Time scrubber

- Compact and wider time scrubber mode (accessed via the thin bar below the small time scrubber)

- A separate rollout for storing up to four named time ranges


Render Holder Zorb

3 votes

Render Holder Zorb is a max helper that is designed to help you manage, share and build render setting, render elements, material assignments and RPM passes. The main use for this is to us one or mutiple Render Holder with an asset file to store per pass render settings and materials.

You can store and restore the current Renderer, Render Elemants and object materials. Also there is a suit of RPM tools to help build and manage passes based on the settings stored on the Render Holder.  Including an object list to create the visability set with.

to install just extract to the 3dsmax root, or put the .ms file in scripts/startup or the plugins folder

For more help, hover your mouse over a button or checkbox in 3dsMax


1 vote

Animation helper script to dynamically add animation ranges. By clicking on a stored range the active range is set back to the stored range. Right click on a stored range will play the animation as well (see screenshot).

The animation ranges are stored within the scene, no additional files are used. Animation sequence can be changed, exported or deleted.

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