Tagged 'parametric'


97 votes

Create procedural tentacle animation with one click. Select the parent bone, generate the script and have fun.

video demonstration***not updated

***Loop function added (thanks Zoran for the idea) 21.04.09
***Bug fix for 64bitVersions
reverse animation option 17.02.09
***Installer update

Dups Instancer

95 votes

Instance duplicate nodes, materials, texture maps, modifiers, controllers.

Dups Instancer

Primitive Maker

76 votes

Creates a new Primitive from a template object.

Helper Maker

22 votes

Creates a new Helper from a template object.


18 votes

Arrow spline primitive, useful as a control object in rigging. Works only in 3ds max 2016 SP2 and higher.

Profile shape

11 votes

Profile spline primitive to be used with classic Bevel Profile or Shell modifier as the edge profile shape, as a sweep profile and for other similar use cases. Can be rotated, flipped and reversed as needed (for example for Shell, you should use the X Direction).

Arrow Helper

6 votes

Helper object with the same features as the spline Arrow primitive.

Arrow Manipulator

Bake Objects

5 votes

Allows baking of animation keys on the transform tracks for any selected objects.

Options include:

- Active time range or range limiting with adjustable step size.

RayFire Asperity Material

3 votes

This scripted plugin is intended for inner RayFire faces of debris fragments.
While the wellknown Asperity Modifier adds detalization by adding geometry modifying the existing topology, this parametric material works in a different way, as a procedural texture adding strong details with a variety of basic materials, including wood splinters, without adding any extra polygon to the scene.
In many cases, the Asperity modifier causes the system to crash specially when using a huge amount of debris objects in the scene.

PolySlicer for 3dsMax

2 votes

PolySlicer is a 3dsMax plugin for creating parametric furnitures in a few seconds.

PolySlicer provides all the workflow from creating slices to unwrapping for creating a complete cg model.
PolySlicer works tested and works with 3dsMax 2012 and all upper 3dsmax versions.
But it is always better to use this plugin in the newest 3dsmax version you have access.
PolySlicer doesn't create any data for a cnc machine. It only generates a model for cgi.

Slicer features:
PolySlicer slices the selected object in a few seconds.

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