Tagged 'Lights'


4 votes

"This script simulates global illumination. Based on the skyDome principle - it allows you to choose an object as a light emmiter - it will hold one light on each of its vertices. Light color - intensity and common parameters depend either on the value of the softselection you made on the vertices - or on the diffuse map used by the support.


2 votes

Creates a VRay Light Select Element for each light in your scene.

Elements are named with prefix of the nameTag variable. You can change this variable if necessary for your pipeline. To do so you will need to open the script and modify the variable within the struct.

Default nameTag = "lgt_"

Smart Include/Exclude Lights

9 votes

Includes or excludes objects from lights - just select lightsand objects you want to affect and click include or excludeand the selected objects will be included or excluded fromthe selected lights


6 votes

"Turns on or off various parameters in all selected lights (show attenuation - show cone - etc). This lets you quickly ""clean"" your viewport of unneeded mess when you have lots of lights in your scene."


4 votes

My second script. The only thing it does is creating & setting one of those annoying skydomes from the old tutorials (still very usefull for people like me). I haven't seen other people skydome tutorials so i cant comment on them(though theirs are probably better than this one) - but i like mine it saves me some time - and hopefully yours too.


Bouncing Light

6 votes

Creates omnilights to fake radiosity.

Quick Lighting

4 votes

Sets up easy lighting rigs quick and easy.

realtrees Shadows

4 votes

Tired of creating shadows for your realtrees by hand? You're gonna love this script. Select the trees within your scene that you want to create shadows for and the script does the rest. You can choose between two shadow creation methods. A simple plane cr

Light Color Manipulator

5 votes

"This is in response to a wishlist item that the wirecolor of lights should reflect the light's actual color. This isn't quite that. but does show the color and multiplier of selected lights in the viewport when manipulate mode is on. It's not exactly a manipulator as you can't change anything with it. but it's written as one.


6 votes

"This is an update of the original Light Listener script made by Frank DeLise.Changes: Name field expanded now supports longer names than the original 6 characters. Backup original version (Macro_LightList.mcr) before installing this."

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