Tagged 'align pivot'


12 votes

XFormer is a tool that will allow you recover the transformation of an object.

Some scenarios where you might want to restore an object transformation could be:

  • After a model transformation matrix was reset (Reset XForm)
  • If you have detached part of an object as another object
  • If you import a model and it is not aligned as you would expect


0 votes

AutoPivot is a useful script for 3ds Max created to help you move easly object's pivot.


It includes two separate scripts that move the pivot to its center or to lowest point.
Unlike the standard 3ds command that uses the Selection Bracket, AutoPivot calculates the center of mass and moves the pivot accordingly.

Main features:

Llama Tools

2 votes

Llama Tools was used as a basic tool for artists who worked in the university project Inanis and Horo, developed in the new HAvok engine, Project Anarchy with 3ds Max 2014: http://www.inanisandhoro.com/


------------ VERSION 2.0 -------------------------------------

- New style
- Fix and improve a lot of features
- All scripts encrypted (I learned recently ^^ )
- Reset Object for one or multiple objects (Mesh and Pivots)
- Reset Only Mesh
- Center pivot
- Pivot to z=0 (move the pivot to local z=0)
- Move to [0,0,0]

Doom Spline Resizer - draw line with precise lenght

3 votes

This simple script will let you draw precise lines quickly almost as a CAD software!
It will Set the pivot to the first vertex of a shape object and align it to the first segment. A window will show up allowing to set the Lengh of a spline scaling from the first vertex.

You can find the mcr script in the Category:"_Scripts"
The .ms script will just load on RUN

For best use associate the script to a Key button (es. D that is free by default)
You can add a toolbar button found in "# Scripts" category
Use the key or press the toolbar button to start drawing a line

Align PivotPoint to WorkingPivot

4 votes

Hello! This script aligns PivotPoint to the WorkingPivot.

Rig Ready Script

0 votes

Hello, my first MAXscript is complete.
Script for 3D modelers and 3D animators.
It is recommended that you use the Y up coordinate system to perform operations on character assets such as unity3D.

Use after 3D modeling mesh editing and size checking.

Rotation XYZ : Pivot coordinate Change.

Option_Move : Moving the Selected Model is Location is all 0.0
Option_Rotate: When released, it is not affected by the coordinate system.

Final Apply : Button is apply all of the above.

Created using 3ds max official manual and internet.

Pivot point Align managment tool

1 vote

Her is a simple tool i just created to help align the pivot position around any mesh cage, as you can align the pivot point to 27 point around the object cage, and move the pivot point to the scene orgine and rotat the pivot point 90 degree on the X axise if you are exporting mesh to unity 3d that will import the object to unity with out any rotation values.

Transform pivot point with a matrix3 tm

0 votes

I wrote this function a while ago for an exporter tool, where I needed to align the pivot of collisions objects with the transform of the master object. I couldn't find another way to "affect pivot only" (as in the UI) using maxscript, It will set the .transform (a.k.a. the pivot point) of a node to the provided matrix3. It gives more possibilities than the standard "affect pivot only:" from the user interface, as you have full control of the transformation matrix. Here's the function:


fn setTM obj tm =


Pivot to center min

1 vote

With this script you can easily move the pivot point to center and minimum of selected objects in 3ds max. This scrip is written and tested at 3ds max 2016. If you have some problem with your max version please text me.

Script category: “#todorScripts”

You can see an example here, how to install my script per Drag and Drop:

PivotAlignTool V2.0

0 votes

show case video

A handy tool to help Align pivot point to object selection cage