Llama Tools
Llama Tools was used as a basic tool for artists who worked in the university project Inanis and Horo, developed in the new HAvok engine, Project Anarchy with 3ds Max 2014: http://www.inanisandhoro.com/
------------ VERSION 2.0 -------------------------------------
- New style
- Fix and improve a lot of features
- All scripts encrypted (I learned recently ^^ )
- Reset Object for one or multiple objects (Mesh and Pivots)
- Reset Only Mesh
- Center pivot
- Pivot to z=0 (move the pivot to local z=0)
- Move to [0,0,0]
- Expor Selected (export all selected objects with the next params):
------------------FBX DIALOG CONFIGURATION---------------
FBXExporterSetParam "SmoothingGroups" true
FBXExporterSetParam "NormalsPerPoly" false
FBXExporterSetParam "TangentSpaceExport" true
FBXExporterSetParam "SmoothMeshExport" false
FBXExporterSetParam "Preserveinstances" false
FBXExporterSetParam "SelectionSetExport" false
FBXExporterSetParam "GeomAsBone" false
FBXExporterSetParam "ColladaTriangulate" false
FBXExporterSetParam "PreserveEdgeOrientation" true
FBXExporterSetParam "Animation" false
FBXExporterSetParam "Cameras" false
FBXExporterSetParam "Lights" false
--Embed Media--------------------------------------------------------------------
FBXExporterSetParam "EmbedTextures" false
--Axis Conversion-----------------------------------------------------------------
FBXExporterSetParam "AxisConversionMethod" "None"
FBXExporterSetParam "UpAxis" "Y"
FBXExporterSetParam "ShowWarnings" true
FBXExporterSetParam "GenerateLog" false
--FBX File Format----------------------------------------------------------------
FBXExporterSetParam "ASCII" false
FBXExporterSetParam "FileVersion" "FBX201400"
- Create Preview (Feature removed)
- Copy and Paste between scenes in 3ds Max.
Massive Export to Project Anarchy formats (.vmesh y .model) (Feature removed)
- Uv Channel Cleaner (only the Channels number 1,2,3 and 4)
- Select by SceMat ( select models by Material into the scene)
- Custom Collider ( create a Mesh that envelops the mesh selected, you can choose how many vertices and the separation between both)
- Replace With Instances (replace the selected object
to picked object)
- Smooth Faces ( smooth all mesh/es faces selected)
- NEW BOX (utilities)
-until now only has 1 featured called "Del Empty Layers"
The MZP BUILDER is by Klaas Nienhuis, Thanks to share!
------------ VERSION 1.0 -------------------------------------
- Reset Xform for one or multiple objects
- Center pivot
- Move to [0,0,0]
- Create Preview
- Copy and Paste between scenes in 3ds Max.
- Massive Export to Project Anarchy formats (.vmesh y .model)
It´s my first script I`ve done and posted.
I hope you find it useful.
------------ VERSION 2.0 -------------------------------------
Only drag the .mzp file into 3ds max and restart 3ds max.
Customize -> Customize User Access Interface -> Toolbars
Look for "LlamaTool" script and drag and drop it to the toolbar buttons.
------------ VERSION 1.0 -------------------------------------
- Drag the Llama Tools_V1.0.ms file into 3ds MAx
- In this menu path:
Customize -> Customize User Access Interface -> Toolbars
Look for "LlamaTool" script and drag and drop it to the toolbar buttons.
Attachment | Size |
llamatools_setup_2.0.rar | 172.92 KB |
llama_tools_v1.0.ms | 7.8 KB |
THANKS! and sorry for i dont response you
Im very grateful, for your Feedback, and i must give you sorry for i dont answer you.
Today I will attach a new version with fixes, improvements and new tools.
I hope you like it guys!
Best script to reset Pivot Points
This is a great script, it can be used on many objects. For example, objects that are in a group.
Thanks to the author. :)
Hello Brains, Thanks for the
Hello Brains,
Thanks for the tweaked script! mucho grande appreciated!
maybe as good as if you using
maybe as good as if you using
-- your code here
note = remove *
Nice script and very useful but I edited it
After reading Luos_83 comment I thought I will make the menu smaller, also the functions vmesh and export to model cause errors in 3D Max 2016 so took them and preview animate away as the other options are to me the only decent ones. Hope you don't mind :)
It now is this:-
If LlamaTools != undefined then destroydialog LlamaTools
macroScript LlamaTools category:"Llama Tools" --Start MacroScript
fn resetObjU obj =
ResetXForm obj --resetXform
format "Espi say:Xform Added\n" -- purple information message
convertToPoly obj -- Collapse to edit Poly
format "Espi say: Xform Collapsed\n" -- purple information message
fn centerPvt obj =
obj.pivot = obj.center --center pivot
format "Espi say: center pivot\n" -- purple information message
fn CopyObj =
thecopypastedir = getdir #autoback; -- CHANGE THIS TO ANY FOLDER YOU WANT
thecopypastefile = "\pastefile.max"; --this is the filename to save as...
thecopypastestring = thecopypastedir + thecopypastefile; --this is the complete string
if $ != undefined do
saveNodes $ thecopypastestring --this saves ("copies") the objects as a file
fn PasteObj =
thecopypastedir = getdir #autoback -- CHANGE THIS TO ANY FOLDER YOU WANT
thecopypastefile = "\pastefile.max" --this is the filename to save as...
thecopypastestring = thecopypastedir + thecopypastefile --this is the complete string
mergemaxfile (thecopypastedir + thecopypastefile) #select --this merges ("pastes") and selects objects from file
fn MoveOrig obj =
obj.position = [0,0,0] --move the object/s to [0,0,0]
format "Espi say:Object Moved\n" -- purple information message
If rLlamaTools != undefined then destroydialog rLlamaTools --if spawn new rollout destroy the oldest
rollout rLlamaTools "LLAMA TOOLS" width:210 height:250
button btn_ResetObj "Reset Object" pos:[30,36] width:150 height:20;
button btn_ctrPivot "Center Pivot" pos:[30,66] width:150 height:20 enabled:true;
GroupBox grpCopyPaste "Copy/Paste In/Out Max Scenes" pos:[7,150] width:195 height:90;
button btnCopy "Copy" pos:[30,174] width:150 height:20;
button btnPaste "Paste" pos:[30,204] width:150 height:20;
button btn_MoveOrig "Move to [0,0,0]" pos:[30,96] width:150 height:20;
GroupBox grp12 "Basic Utilities" pos:[7,11] width:195 height:120;
on btn_ResetObj pressed do --button to reset the object
if selection != 0 then --check for exceptions
for i = 1 to selection.count do
tobj = selection[i]; --the object selected assign to variable "tobj"
resetObjU tobj; --the variable into the function "resetObjU"
on btn_ctrPivot pressed do --button center the pivot
if selection != 0 then --check for exceptions
for i = 1 to selection.count do
tobj = selection[i]; --the object selected assign to variable "tobj"
centerPvt tobj; --the variable into the function "centerPvt"
on btnCopy pressed do
CopyObj ();
on btnPaste pressed do
PasteObj ();
on btn_MoveOrig pressed do
if selection != 0 then --check for exceptions
for i = 1 to selection.count do
tobj = selection[i]; --the object selected assign to variable "tobj"
MoveOrig tobj; --the variable into the function "centerPvt"
createDialog rLlamaTools;
Nice work!
Been using this since its release and I find it really handy!
I personally use the Reset object, center pivot and copy/paste feats a lot!
My only pet peeve is that the menu is really big!
Any chance you could make one with buttons/menu half the size?
thank you :)