Tagged 'Window'

"3ds Max as BIM" project

1 vote

Simple Window Maker

16 votes

Simple Window Maker v1.1.msĀ 

Simple Window Maker allows the user to
generate simple windows on mass across
the facade of a building, rather having to
model each one, or duplicate from elsewhere....


4 votes


Scriptbag is a configurable quicklink tool serving as a faster and more convenient alternative to Max's cumbersome user panel/toolbar system.


- Link panel: up to 60 configurable link buttons
- List panel: up to 9 per-folder link file listings
- Adjustable button / window sizes
- All settings and link data are saved .db file
- Run scripts, open files with lmb
- Edit links and link names with rmb
- Hold control key to open scripts in editor
- Run at Max startup option

SimpleWindow object

4 votes

Script makes fixed window with horiz-vert dividers grid, board and sill. Any part of window can switch on/off, so you can easily change it.


4 votes


EmbedBMP is a scripting utility that translates bitmap data from an image file to string data, which can be added to Maxscript source and loaded as bitmaps by the provided decoder function block.

Some basic compression is applied to decrease the data size. The embedbmp logo for instance is imbedded as a 5kb string, from a 44kb bitmap. The maximum practical image size strongly depends on the compressibility and omittability of the image content.

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