MCG Marching Ants
This MCG allows you to do marching ants, traffic light/direction effects. Note the Count is total in array but you see only every 'Step'. I think there is a bug with closed loop and Even count, so use odd Count for that....and WTF is up with the 90deg angle/rectangle ? Dunno....I'll debug if have time...
Ver 1.01.00: Added Flip and Rotation Adjustments
Ver 1.01.01: Minor update/cleanup
Ver 2.00.00: Added sine wave to path for 'snaking' FX...also chucked in some vibes...
Any small donations to [email protected] would be greatly appreciated. I intend to then fully donate onto the following:
Thankyou. Meow. Woof. Moooo. Oink. Grrrl.....
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Inversed spline
i just thank you for this script.
Have a nice life.
Loving perspectives
this is soooo old...
It needs a SERIOUS makeover...just had a quick look and it could do with a lot of optimisation...hey, I had zero experience back then...
but only if I have time that is...
Can't get script to work! Errors found. My head is exploding!!
Hi. I've been struggling to get this script to run. I had a look at the MS script and there are errors that it points to a file location that doesn't exist C:\users\Honey\....... I replaced it with the path C:\Program Files\. Still doesn't work. I'm getting a compile error Can not define scripted plugin class currently wrapped by an existing standin object. What does this mean?
Can you please give me instructions on how to install the files. I'm sure I've put them all in the right folders, but instructions would be very useful. I can't get my head around it.
tell me about the problem Geoff
so I can ruminate...if I ruminate on it long enough then maybe something might come up....:)
I know I still have to try and do the align (in direction of travel)...that's one on the to do list....
The script finally works using the package. Well... it has the same problems as Max's Spacing tool, but at least it loads now.
- Geoff
if you are still getting Deserialisng Error...
Hi Geoff, I think I maybe able to help you, as I was debugging another MCG, I came across an error that I think is related to you (deserialising error) You need to open up Scripting>Mac Creation Graph Editor>File>Open Open Vu_MarchingAnts.maxtool, you might see a red box around a node like this...
You'll have to rewire things...its' not too send me a screenprint of the 'red' box and I'll help.
But hopefully after you've installed the mcg package that I sent, all is OK ?
hmm...dunno why...
here's the package
Still getting errors
This time it can't find the operator "Remap."
Please do this:
- Geoff
get from here...with no Div by 0 flaw
Could you export it as a MCG
Could you export it as a MCG package? I still can't get it to evaluate. I get the error:
Validation failed for C:/Users/user/Autodesk/3ds Max 2016/Max Creation Graph/Tools/Vu_MarchingAnts.maxtool : Error occurred deserializing node: Can't find operator Remap
- Geoff