FlyWiz - Vray Flythrough animation wizard 1.1

57 votes

This tool manages for you all the boring stuff to achieve a flythrough animation with Max And Vray.
All changes are made in the engine to help you control and render each necessary step.

Finally it can also do all the process in one click ! 

CLine 2.08

128 votes

CLine2 is advance line Drawing Tool in 3dsMax

this is possible to drawing spline with Pan, Zoom and arc Rotate


[2.0 --> 2.02]

- some bug fix

- add: orthogonal mode (Shift key)



48 votes

(This plugin was submitted to ScriptSpot as a benefit to the users - technical questions need to be directed the developers using the project page link below.)

Max.NET is a .NET CLR wrapper for 3d Studio Max's (3dsmax) software development kit (SDK). It allows developers to write tools for 3dsmax in a managed and reflective environment using any of the common .NET languages such as C#,, J#, and C++/CLI. Moreover it provides access to all of the classes and their members accessible to normal unmanaged SDK.


49 votes

(This plugin was submitted to ScriptSpot as a benefit to the users - technical questions need to be directed the developers using the project page link below.)

"Here at Blur we've developed a way to integrate the Python ( programming language into the 3d Studio Max application. By mapping the basic MAXScript value class to the basic Python PyObject class, we're able to expose MAXScript functionality as a Python module. All maxscript methods are available using the mxs module and run the same way as they would normally in maxscript, only using a pythonic syntax.
For faster development, we've also integrated the PyQt framework to allow development of Qt applications instead of MAXScript rollouts."

Blur Studio releases Py3dsMax beta

27 votes

Amazing news for those of you looking to make the switch to Python.

"We have developed a way to run Python as a complete replacement of Maxscript in 3dsMax, utilizing Python and PyQt to develop tools, we're hoping to revolutionize the ability to develop fast, efficient and powerful utilities.

All the information you need to get going can be found at our new development website: "

Read the full, original post by Eric Hulser on CGS -

Calling Maxscript Functions from DotNet

29 votes

Calling Maxscript Functions from DotNet

I thought I’d draw attention to a few enhancements that Autodesk has made
with the new release in the hope that it will help you with your
scripts. The private/public methods in struct declaration in MXS was a
welcome addition, but I was hoping for a few extras in the dotnet area
too. The main one to note is -

XMLLayoutPanel - A Custom Dotnet Control for 3dsMax

27 votes


XML LayoutPanel - Another Custom control for 3dsMax

Please note - this tutorial was written pre max 2010 which includes the method dotnet.setlifetimecontrol. This resolves the global dotnet handler issues mentioned at the start.

HitchHiker - A Dynamic Thumbnail control for 3dsMax

32 votes



100 votes



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