Tagged 'anubis'

DUM (Dynamic Utility Menu)

29 votes

Smart utility menu for your scripts.
Easy customizable (noted inside the code).


Dups Instancer

95 votes

Instance duplicate nodes, materials, texture maps, modifiers, controllers.

Dups Instancer

Fetch Selected

33 votes

Fetch Selected

Good for large scenes where Hold/Fetch is more stable than Undo/Redo
Brief feedback printed to the Listener

Fit the UVW Mapping Gizmo

3 votes

Perform Fit gizmo operation on UVW mapping modifier on all selected objects.



  • Written as macro script
  • Optimized measurements
  • Allows UVWmap on any level in the mod-stack
  • Perform Fit operation on all selected objects

Thanks to Borislav "Bobo" Petrov for the nice tutorial:

Grab Children

3 votes

Select all children on picked object(s).

Requested modification of my GrabHierarchy script.

Grab Hierarchy

27 votes

Selecting whole heirarchy by picking one belonging object.
Similar to Sergo's "Pick Hierarchy" script but simplified code.

Grab Viewport Plus

56 votes

Grab Viewport Plus

A requested script that add a few options to the standard Max screenshot tool:
   incremental save in given folder and prefix name,
+ forced toggle to Expert mode and maximize Viewport.

Grab ViewPort Plus Alpha

9 votes


Grab the active viewport with embedded alpha channel

Hierarchy State

31 votes

Hierarchy State

Good for backup/restore scene objects hierarchy


25 votes

HollowCube is a simpleObject scripted plug-in.
Procedural primitive that I made today for fun.


Copy this (.ms) to Max "stdplugs\stdscripts\" folder

HollowCube is in the "Create/Geometry" tab in the "Scripted Primitives" menu


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