Tagged 'anubis'


49 votes

Knob is a scripted geometry primitive (simpleObject plugin) with predefined low-res topology
optimized for smoothing via TurboSmooth or MeshSmooth modifiers.


Incremental Save

51 votes

It's a my super slim version with similar functionality to the Martin Breidt script, that saves incremental file versions while keeping the name of the latest - most-up-to-date version always the same as the original file. This is good for XRef'ing because the filename does not change.

Modifiers Switch

30 votes

Turn On/Off in Renderer, Views or both, all or selected modifiers by class.
Modifiers Switch 2

Version 2.0

  • added option to switch both (in rend. + views)
  • also added a button to launch the tool in a new floatable dialog

Grab Viewport Plus

56 votes

Grab Viewport Plus

A requested script that add a few options to the standard Max screenshot tool:
   incremental save in given folder and prefix name,
+ forced toggle to Expert mode and maximize Viewport.


23 votes

Save and restore unlimited views.
You can save views in one scene and load them in another scene.
Double click in the list to restore the saved view.


The idea come from AutoCAD where you can save up to 5 views. Im not sure (never see) how exactly this feature works in AutoCAD, I just read about this in the ScriptSpot.com, and I hope this tool is useful anyway ;-)

Select Similar Objects

50 votes

Select similar (to chosen) nodes by assembly of similarities.


Procedural Map Scale

23 votes

Resize Maps

Good for global rescale at once the size of all procedurals.
Works on any resizable procedural map.

Quick Include/Exclude Lights

30 votes


Select your objects and lights, choose I/E ops and check "Transfer..."
(if you like) to move existing obj(s) into the new I/E List.
Works on all geometry + renderable shapes (as original I/E feature designed).

Hierarchy State

31 votes

Hierarchy State

Good for backup/restore scene objects hierarchy

Fetch Selected

33 votes

Fetch Selected

Good for large scenes where Hold/Fetch is more stable than Undo/Redo
Brief feedback printed to the Listener

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