Tagged 'extrude'


1 vote

The 2DExtruder random extrusion plug-in is a MAXScript script that can randomly extrude the thickness of multiple selected spline shapes, and also set simple growth animation.

Main features

Object's Normal Fix

2 votes

Small Scripts to fix the Normal of selected shapes (Exrtude Direction)  .

- Select Shapes to Fix .

- Run the Script .

- One LeftClick on any Surface to get the Normal from it , then RightClick to Exit .

Another Script Added to Auto Fix Shapes Orientation .

* If you have 3d Curved Shape its better to use the First Script to do Manual Fix .

- UPDATE 1 :

  • Make the Macros Visible/Enabled When the Selection Contain Shapes .

- UPDATE 2 :


43 votes

Extend Borders

25 votes

[UPDATE!] See description below for more

This Tool is useful for extruding border edges of an editable poly. You can also add a tilting angle and choose to use corrected corners.

Extrude/Inset/Outline Faces Modifiers

23 votes

Set of simple modifiers that use the Edit Poly methods behind the scenes. Since the extrude modifier uses the poly extrude options and capabilities, it doesn't break on simple geometry like the FaceExtrude one does.

Extrude Faces Modifier

Compare with FaceExtrude:



House Creator

0 votes

This script works at creating or capturing mainly what some planes of architectuals proyects represent, this by importing them and adding values at every desired layer.

Stairs Extruder

0 votes

Simple Script that do incremental face extrusion (useful to create stairs for example)

# Installation:

1-extract files

2-copy Stair Extruder.mse to 3dsmax\script folder

3-copy StairExtruderMacro.ms to 3dsmax\script\startup folder

4-restart 3ds max or run StairExtruderMacro.ms from script menu run.

5-add it to ur desired UI (menu,quad,toolbar...)

Turn On Generate Mapping Coordiantes for added modifiers

1 vote

This script will turn On the Generate Mapping Coords. checkbox when a certain modifier is applyed to the object. Supported modifiers are:

- Bevel, Bevel Profile, Extrude, Lathe, Sweep, Renderable Spline

Installation - paste the script in maxRoot/scripts/startup folder and restart 3ds Max.

This script was requested here.

Extrude Open Edges

4 votes

This script extrude open selected edges on given amount. Extract archive in 3ds max root folder. You can find script in category "kolts"

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