Tagged 'copy'


2 votes

Duplicurver is a game-changing Maxscript tool that brings the power and versatility of ZBrush's IMM (Insert Multi Mesh) Curve brush directly to Autodesk 3ds Max. This tool serves as a highly beneficial asset for artists and 3D professionals, allowing them to replicate and deform meshes along a path with unprecedented ease and efficiency.


1 vote

ECopy is a 3DsMax script by EKDtools.
It registers in to the main menu of 3DsMax and comes with a user interface that you can go through the slots using mouse scroll.
That allows you to copy and paste in 20 different slots.
You can use this script to copy and paste objects between different files and computers on your network. This can be useful when you are working on a project that requires collaboration with other people.
ECopy also registers the timestamp of your copy with a large object centered preview and the username of the user who took the copy.

Editable Poly to ADD Edit Poly (vertex transformer)

8 votes

(vertex) to ADD as Modifier (vertex position) for clone Object

Folder Construction Copy

2 votes

It is a script to copy the folder structure under the specified folder to another folder.
Files contained in the folder are not copied.
This script will help you to create folder that use for render output.
For example, copy folder hierarchy of shot A to shot B.

How to Use:
Enter source folder path and destination folder path to copy data to.
And press button.


12 votes







Some minor bug fixes to the Toolbox. Added additional tools to the system menu.



Fixed a bug that prevented the system menu from generating.





0 votes

Script makes instances of picked main object from all selected objects.
Target objects can be replaced (deleted, primary script function) or leave untouched.
New objects can copy scale or rotation from their previous versions.

Have some copies of some object (not instances) and want them change all same way.
- Convert them to instances, change them at once by editing just one.

Want to make instances of main object at every object's position from selection

Key Transfer

170 votes

Lazy Manager

1 vote

Joker Martini has released Lazy Manager, a new tool for 3ds Max that allows users to copy and paste objects, materials, and modifiers across multiple instances of 3ds Max and includes support for sharing these assets across an entire studio of artists using a shared network location. Lazy Manager costs $10 and supports 3ds Max 2012 an upwards.

Macro Snippets

26 votes

Show Vert Nums
Quick Z Direction
Distance to Clipboard
Angle to Clipboard

Material Copier

9 votes

Simple script that will copy a material from object to another, even if the material is undefined.

Just drag and drop into 3ds max. The script can accessed be under the "Toke Scripts" category.

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