Tagged 'Gaming'

Camera Distance Multires Optimizer

4 votes

This script will add a multires modifier to a selection and then you can manually
ajust the optimize percentage within the camera range.

LOD Mover

4 votes

A script used on Ultima On-Line to check the popping of LOD's. Also has some other little features.

Progressive Mask Converter

6 votes

Progressive Mask Converter will convert any image sequence into a progressive mask for use in real-time environment.

Game Tools

8 votes

"Collection of game tools that allow you to model - texture and vertex paint your models within Max4.

  • Polyskin is a powerful skinning tool that allows polygon modelling over ANY shaped polygon skeleton.
  • UVTools allows you to build up multi materials in a fraction of the time.
  • Game Level Builder

    18 votes

    Game Level Builder 3.0 (GLB3) - is a toolset for making convex e.g. (bsp ruled) based levels for games using discreet's 3ds maxâ„¢ and gmaxâ„¢. The main difference between GLB and all of the standard convex based level editors is that GLB's main system for modelling is not based from boxes which are hollowed or carved (CSG subtracted).


    7 votes

    NormalMapperUI provides a graphical front end to ATI's normal map creation tool - NormalMapper. The interface lets the user pick the input data they would like to use - the output format - and set all available creation options. The program then passes the information off to NormalMapper for the creation of the image.

    Vertex Color Tools

    2 votes

    "Blurs vertex colors - interactively adjusts HSV - interactively adjusts contrast - allows copy/paste of colors - modifications can be made to the entire object selected or just to selected verts - etc."


    8 votes

    This is a little Maxscript videogame I made using the 3Dsmax' viewport engine. The game in fact it's quite stupid - I know - but it's a good example to show some of the capabilities of the language


    6 votes

    "Two part script that is used for exploding meshes in to separate objects by their MatID's. It also has options to group the new meshes together. A textbox for a user prefix name. An option to remap the new objects from multi-sub to standard materials. The original is left unaffected."

    Unreal Grid tool

    7 votes

    Quickly set the grid size to unreal engine (or some other game engine ex: Doom3 - Quake...) units using keyboard shortcut - toolbar or quad menu.