Unreal Grid tool

7 votes
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Quickly set the grid size to unreal engine (or some other game engine ex: Doom3 - Quake...) units using keyboard shortcut - toolbar or quad menu.

Additional Info: 

Unreal grid tool as been install on your system.
2 Macroscript called Unreal Tools-UnrealGrid_down.mcr and Unreal Tools-UnrealGrid_up.mcr should me located in the UI/Macroscript folder.To use this script - simply assign a keyboard short cut to Unrealgrid_down and Unrealgrid_up found under the category Unreal tools in Customize User Interface.

This Maxscript REQUIRES Avguard Maxscript Extensions by 'Larry Minton'.

This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
Copyright (C) 2005 by Guillaume Plourde [email protected]

Version Requirement: 
7; 6
Other Software Required: 
<a href='http://www.scriptspot.com/extensions/web_upload/Larry%20Minton/avg_dlx70_9.zip' target=_top>AVGuard Extension</a>
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