Tagged 'Controllers'


6 votes

This script adds a position and orientation constraint to your currently selected object.


4 votes

Use this script to create a grid helper at the selected object pivot.

Visibility Manager

12 votes

Visibility Manager is a very useful tool if you work with
visibility tracks. It's default controller is On_Off -
it is hardly configurable. VisiMan script lets you automatically
convert On_Off controller to Bezier_Float controller. Second part
of this script lets you quickly and easily add some fading effect
to object's appearing and disappearing.

SetKeyTypes (aka CopySelectedKeyTypes)

7 votes

Select a key in Track View - press a button to copy its Tangent Types.
Or Set your own Tangent Types. Select ANY number of keys in ANY number of object tracks and apply the Tangent Types. Works with Bezier controllers only - others skipped automatically.
Special thanks to Neil Blevins / Blur Studio Inc.

Key Manager

8 votes

This is a version of the Key Manager script by Randy Kreitzman that I modified to work with TCB controllers instead of just Beziers. It allows you to change the tangent type - ease in/out and continuity for a bunch of selected Track View keys all at once. You can also shift the selection now - and affect prev/next keys as well. Works in MAX r2.5 - r3 and r4.

Key Manager

6 votes

"This is a version of the Key Manager script originally by Randy Kreitzman. I modified it to work with TCB controllers instead of just Beziers. It allows you to change the tangent type - ease in/out and TCB settings for a bunch of selected Track View keys all at once (even on multiple controllers). You can also shift what is selected - and affect prev/next keys as well.

Controller Assigner

4 votes

Allows you to assign unique or instanced controllers to multiple objects at once.

keyData recorder

2 votes

Record all keyData in an external file for all selected objects in a scene and then load the keyData whenever necessary. Specify the frame range in which to record key data and also specify the frame in which to begin loading the key data.


5 votes

This script allows you to take a selected object and add a lookat controller by dragging to the object you want to attach to.It will also turn the vector line on


3 votes

This script adds a position constraint to your currently selected object.

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