Tagged 'rename'


30 votes

Simple tool that mimics Maya procedures (Search and Replace, Jason Schleifer´s hashRename) to easily organize naming conventions in scene nodes.

Advanced Object Renamer

1 vote

Hi All,

This is a my first ever script. I made it to make my work easier.

INSTALLATION :- Just run the Script using the "Run Script" command in your 3Ds max.

Then go to Customize -> Customize User Interface -> Main UI -> nthScript [Category] -> Advanced Renamer

Set your shortcut for the script and RUN...

NOTE:- Keep the Script file and the TempMatLib.mat in the same directory.


12 votes

This script will make preview renders from the viewport using the default 'make preview' dialog, when completed it renames the preview file to match the camera's name.

This makes it easier to generate preview files for a ruff edit, without having to manually rename the preview files again and again.

Object Rename

34 votes

A really easy script to solve the listed rename opportunities on a clear way. It could be useful when we have a lot of layers with a lot of long-length-named objects.

Rename Objects Extended

16 votes

It's like Multi-Rename Tool in Total Commander.

Material Renamer

19 votes

Batch Object Name Editor

13 votes

The Object Name Editor tool offers the ability to batch rename objects. The tool allows case sensitive search and replace, appending text, trimming characters and numerical incrementing.

RH Map Node Renamer

27 votes

It takes the material assigned to the selected object and assigns the name of the object to it. Then it checks if there is a bitmap texture assigned to "Diffuse", "Specular Level", "Opacity" and "Bump". If it finds a bitmap texture in the slot it renames the bitmap texture node to "Color", "Specular", "Opacity", "Normal". Then it also renames the textures asigned using the pattern "NameOfTheObject_NameOfSlot.*" ex. SmallBox_Color.bmp

Material Manager

16 votes

Allows you to quickly collect hundreds of materials in several different ways. (ie. scene materials, material editor materials, missing bitmaps in scene, material libraries, materials from selected objects, etc.) These materials get added to a browser area where you can perform various operations on whichever ones you choose.


6 votes

Use this script to rename selected objects. Notes:Search and Replave Function based on Rename tool by John Burnett

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