Tagged 'rename'


0 votes

Copy file to to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 20**\scripts\Startup\
And drop to viewport
If suddenly there is such a situation that in the scene there are objects with the same name, with this script the selected object will change the name to a unique name with increment.
Another situation: After 3d scanning an iPhone received objects have the same name mesh and just so import several files in a row is not possible, you have to change the name. This script solves this problem.

Object Rename

4 votes

Object Rename


Replacement for the Max renamer with added functionality.

Greater control of adding / removing characters and number suffixes, added find / replace, case change and quick selection by name features, all with undo.

Includes explanatory tooltips.

Material Renamer

3 votes

Material Renamer script is a script to rebane the Materials in one 3ds Max scene.I used 3ds max 2016 as i create this script. I you use other version of 3ds max and the script doesn't work please let me know. This script is tested at 3ds max 2016 and 3ds max 2021.

If You have Ideas how to develop this script more, pleace let a coment.

Script category: “#todorScripts”

You can see an example here, how to install my script per Drag and Drop:

Names Fixer

0 votes

A Script for Replacing Chinese and illegal Characters from (Objects-Materials-Maps-Modifiers-layers) Names .

PS: Undo Disabled , So its Better to Save your Work Before Running the Script .

For Replacing Texture Names you can use Pop Chinese Script

UPDATE 1.1 :

  • Change the script name to "Names Fixer"  .
  • Add Fix for Names Sequences , ("Group464134564" will be fixed to normal sequence "Group023")

Rename russian textures

2 votes

Replaces Russian and Ukrainian characters English characters. Just replace the spaces with underscores.

Транслитирирует русские, украинские символы в текстурах. Так же заменяет пробелы на подчеркивание


1 vote

P_ObjectRenamer is a tool for object rename

- Rename Preview
- Rename preset
- List Rename
- Various options(date / time / range / count / etc..)
- Replace Name
- Uppercase / lowercase
- Unique Name

This script is free.
If you like my script and want to sponsor me, please purchase this script

If you have any questions, ask me.
[email protected]
Welcome comments and feedback

Interactive Universal Renamer

17 votes

NEW VERSION: Asset Paths + Sorting + Filtering + Multiselection

Make sure to select items in the list to see the renaming preview and do the actual renaming!

Rename Objects Extended

16 votes

It's like Multi-Rename Tool in Total Commander.

RH Map Node Renamer

27 votes

It takes the material assigned to the selected object and assigns the name of the object to it. Then it checks if there is a bitmap texture assigned to "Diffuse", "Specular Level", "Opacity" and "Bump". If it finds a bitmap texture in the slot it renames the bitmap texture node to "Color", "Specular", "Opacity", "Normal". Then it also renames the textures asigned using the pattern "NameOfTheObject_NameOfSlot.*" ex. SmallBox_Color.bmp

File Organizer

0 votes


File Organizer leaves an object ready to save in the library. With this Script, the next time you merge some object to your scene it will be perfect.

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