Tagged 'Characters'


3 votes

Use this script to reset the xforms on model hairs in a file using shag.


6 votes

Using a selected biped body part this script will select the rest of the biped. If any of the parts are hidden or frozen they will be unfrozen or unhidden.

Pulse Prep

4 votes

If you have a bunch of motion files - perhaps from a motion capture session - that need to be applied to a single character created in Max 4 with Character Studio 3 and converted to Pulse3d you can use this script to help alleviate a bit of the drudgery.


5 votes

Creates a splineIK chain similar to Mayas using a spline Line path - and multiple new IK bone chains path constrained to the path at increasing percentages. This pretty much will allow you to do tails or dinosaur type necks in max 4 - without all that weird spline stuff that happens if you skin directly to a spline.

Rotate Chain

3 votes

"Allows you to select multiple objects in a group of linked objects (e.g. - all of the bones of a finger) - and rotate all of the items at the same time. If you tried this in Max using the built-in rotate - you'd find that only the top most object (i.e. - the one that is the parent of all of the other objects) would rotate.


5 votes

HandMaker is a scripted plug-in that creates a parametric hand with any number of fingers and finger joints - and an optional thumb. Includes finger splay and tapering - adjustable thumb placement and angle - smoothing - and even a button to convert to an Editable Poly when you’re ready to get down and edit the vertices. The mesh is created interactively as a TriMesh.

Skin Weight Editor

1 vote

Allows you to set the weight of multiple vertices at once. Simply select the vertices - select the bone from the drop down - and change the weight. Quicker than editing in the weight table.


3 votes

Use this script to paste a posture. Use this with the other Hotkey scripts Posture_Temp_Copy

Spline Cagify

1 vote

Creates a spline cage by following the loops of the selected mesh(es). The result from this script is intended to be a starting point - simple objects like primatives convert accurately but complex objects will need tweaking

muscle editor

7 votes

Muscle editor is a macroscript for making a true use of the bone scale/squash options in your rigs.