Tagged 'UI'

Select Every N-th-no UI

37 votes

If you want to select every 2nd or 3rd or 4th, etc edges, just select the first edge, skip the desired number of edges and select the second edge, then execute the script.

If you want to see the time that script needs to make a selection, just start MAXScript Listener.

Instalation: Drag 'n drop two mzp files in 3ds max, then go to Customize - Customize User Interface. Under "miauu" category you can find "Gap Loop" and "Gap Ring" scripts.

On the video below the script works 3 times slower, because of Camtasia and my old, single core PC.


70 votes


Because I find the old icons set clearer and more visually efficient that the one currently provided with 3dsMax since release 2010, I wrote this little script to install it again properly.

WkOldStyleLook - a WerwacK script




Cleaning PhysX Menu Duplicates

13 votes

If you customize your UI a bit and have installed the "3dsMax 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack" or the NVidia PhysX utility for 3dsMax, you should notice that it adds menus to the Customize Dialog every time you run 3dsMax. In a month or so, you will probably have to scroll over a thousand duplicates in the Customize Menus Dialog.

I had a quick look in the PhysX MaxScript files, but I don't want to mess with it. Instead, I made this simple script, that will remove all PhysX menus when 3dsMax shuts down. Don't worry, they'll be added again next time you start.

Tab bar for max

10 votes

Brings the good ol' tab bar back to max 6 or 7 or 8.

Morphica Tool

3 votes

Here s my first contribution script , it is pretty similar to many existing scripts over here used in connecting morphs to UI ,but it deserves a trial , it is weel production proven for 2 yrs so far .
i ve made a video demoing its usage here :https://vimeo.com/63446923


4 votes

Hi, Do you like to customize 3dsmax UI colors? So if yes you'll like this script. :)

Go to next/previous frame/key

12 votes

is a collection of
four very simple scripts that allow you to set individual hotkeys to go
to the next and previous frames in your timeline and the next and
previous keyframes of your selected object. Basically I made
these because when it comes to navigating frames forward and
by hotkey, I prefer maya's way of doing it as opposed to max's toggle

Toggle Trackbar and Timeslider

10 votes

Will Toggle the display of the the trackbar and timeslider.

FumeFX ModernUI

0 votes

FumeFX ModernUI is a tool for 3ds Max that helps reducing repetitive tasks when simulating with FumeFX. It has a clear interface (therefore the name) and comes with an easy to use installer.

Viewport Switcher

23 votes


Assign the macroscript to a hotkey. Space bar for example. A menu will appear around your cursor that allows you to quickly switch to different views.

For the installation simply drag and drop the mzp file to the viewport. Go to Customize/Customize User Interface/ Keyboard. And under the group Norman3D select Viewport Swtich and assign it to a hotkey.


EDIT: Fixed an issue in the script that would cause an error on 3dsMax 2010