Go to next/previous frame/key

12 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Brad Noble

is a collection of
four very simple scripts that allow you to set individual hotkeys to go
to the next and previous frames in your timeline and the next and
previous keyframes of your selected object. Basically I made
these because when it comes to navigating frames forward and
by hotkey, I prefer maya's way of doing it as opposed to max's toggle

Additional Info: 

Just extract the zip files to your 3dsmax root folder and make sure
that the 'use folder names' option is turned on.

Video URL: 
Brad_Noble_Next_prev_keys.zip599 bytes


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ArminAnim's picture


Simple and useful. great

killerloop's picture

Hallo dear Brad! Thank you

Hallo dear Brad!

Thank you so much for Brads-Next_previous_keys.mcr
And one question. I found little inaccuracy in your script.
For example, we have timeline [0, 60] and three key frames for Box: 10, 30, 50. Then i cycle through keys by
"Go To Next Key Frame"/"Go To Prev Key Frame" commands and it's working. But when i scaled timeline (in Time Configuration) to [20, 60] and cycle again. So, "Go To Next Key Frame" - ok, but cycle by "Go To Prev Key Frame" command is stop on the leftmost frame of timeline - frame 20. Please test it.

Test file in attach:) Timeline is [20,60]

Brad, can you fix it for us please! Thank you again :)

brad_test_nextprev_key_frame_command.max 268 KB

Hallo Mota!

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