ScriptSpot is a diverse online community of artists and developers who come together to find and share scripts that empower their creativity with 3ds Max. Our users come from all parts of the world and work in everything from visual effects to gaming, architecture, students or hobbyists.
I can't tell if the MP works or not, because I have not tested it. 3DZver told us that the MP not works. Contact him and clarify the situation.
My problem is not with the MP and what it does.
THE BIG PROBLEM is that you use fake user accounts to keep your tool on the first page. And this is not the first time when you doing this(fake user accounts). This is not the proper way to promote and sell your products.
Ok. Despite the fact that you did not believe me, it was never a fake! The plugin is absolutely working. I understand your worry about absence of demo version and samples. Also I respect your opinions so I'll think about making Maxscript protector free.
All of this misunderstandings is on the basis of one comment about the old version which had some issues. This topic took a wrong direction so I'm closing it.
Wow. This is déjà-vu. The original thread of Maxscript Protector now is with new name and new script that have nothing common with the Maxscript Protector. But the comments are here, so everyone can see them.
And you have new nickname. Why? What is wrong with "Crea3D"?
Vojtech Cada is a well know user and contributor(with more than 50 scripts only here) of scriptspot from more than 10 years. Its nickname is Swordslayer. Here is the link to its account:
I can't tell if the MP works or not, because I have not tested it. 3DZver told us that the MP not works. Contact him and clarify the situation.
My problem is not with the MP and what it does.
THE BIG PROBLEM is that you use fake user accounts to keep your tool on the first page. And this is not the first time when you doing this(fake user accounts). This is not the proper way to promote and sell your products.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
Ok. Despite the fact that you
Ok. Despite the fact that you did not believe me, it was never a fake! The plugin is absolutely working. I understand your worry about absence of demo version and samples. Also I respect your opinions so I'll think about making Maxscript protector free.
All of this misunderstandings is on the basis of one comment about the old version which had some issues. This topic took a wrong direction so I'm closing it.
Wow. This is déjà-vu. The original thread of Maxscript Protector now is with new name and new script that have nothing common with the Maxscript Protector. But the comments are here, so everyone can see them.
And you have new nickname. Why? What is wrong with "Crea3D"?
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
Interesting plugin. I like
Interesting plugin. I like it!
you forgot to encrypt this bit..
debro - member for 1yr 12 wks
Amoranio - 1yr 12 wks
CgBro - 1yr 12 wks
Gracepoint - 1yr 12 wks
Jacekpil - 1yr 12 wks
dark_10 - 1yr 12 wks
He have too many fake accounts. The debro is registered 1 year ago and his first post is in this thread. :)
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
or just rclick>view image
but yeah, well done on the detective work...
The 'tosser' should be banned IMO.
Crea3D, when you will stop with all those fake user acounts?
To everyone's attention. See this
Link to see the whole image:
The user with name "debro" is a fake. It is not Vojtech Cada, its homepage is not:
Vojtech Cada is a well know user and contributor(with more than 50 scripts only here) of scriptspot from more than 10 years. Its nickname is Swordslayer. Here is the link to its account:
So, stop using all those fake user acounts to promote your script. The "debro" is only one of them.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
debro, I'll think about
debro, I'll think about adding this function in feature versions.
Nice work. I'm using this
Nice work. I'm using this plugin, everything works well.