RelaxBySG (Relax By Smoothing Group)

3 votes
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Modifier to smooth meshes without destroying hard edges defined by smoothing groups.

RelaxBySG works on the same principle as the standard Relax modifier, but offers a greater degree of control.
Rather than relying on the modifier to find boundaries and corners and hoping for the best, you can use smoothing groups to define them yourself.

Version Requirement: 
2012x32, 2012x64, 2013x32, 2013x64, 2014, 2015, 2016


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Malkalypse's picture


I appreciate the comment, I've already found it to be very useful myself. Honestly don't know why this hasn't been built directly into Max since ages ago. Turbosmooth and other modifiers can be toggled to respect smoothing group boundaries, so why not Relax?

luxxeon's picture
Malkalypse's picture

Just a quick update

Compatible versions are now available for 3ds Max 2009 (32 and 64 bit), and all versions of Max from 2012 through 2017.

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