Release the KRAKEN!

71 votes
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This plug in was made as a final project for our animation class.
It is designed for easy access to complete tentacle system adjustments and parameter setup. A single controller afects the whole system, however, there is a noise parameter to give every single tentacle its very own movement and personality.

Este plug in fue hecho como proyecto final de nuestra clase de animacion.
Fue diseƱado para proveer un acceso rapido y sencillo al control de un sistema de tentaculos. Un solo controlador afecta a todo el sistema, sin embargo, agregamos el parametro de ruido para darle individualidad a los demas tentaculos.

Autores: User Names

Ricardo Sanchez - UDarkness
Fernando Leon - Mander
Mario Luna
Alejandra Soto - TenshiYuna
Lizbeth Quiroz

Video URL: 
tentacontrolv1.03.ms6.56 KB


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zaki167's picture


than you very much
one more question pls
where can i find a tutorial ot it

Royal Ghost's picture

This scripted plugin add new

zaki167: This scripted plugin add new helper object "TentaControl" in "M3G" category of helper objects.

So you will find it: Create->Helpers->M3G-> TentaControl

Royal Ghost |

zaki167's picture

help needed

i put the plug in in the plug in folder of 3dsmax 2010
but i cant find it
can you please help me to find it
its a wonderrful plgin

LisaF's picture

Thanks I found it, lol. It


I found it, lol. It was in a strange place. Great plug in thanks for all the work!

LisaF's picture

Sorry to be such a newbie,

Sorry to be such a newbie, but I am having trouble installing this script. I put it in my scripts folder, and I also tried using max script to run it, but I can't seem to find it in anywhere in my custom user interface? Please Help!

wafaa's picture

very much

very much

TenshiYuna's picture

You are very welcome! :D

You are very welcome! :D

wafaa's picture

thank you very much this very

thank you very much
this very good

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