Tagged 'Elements'


7 votes


This simple tool allows you to detach Editable Poly and Editable Mesh objects in a specific way.

Corona Render Elements Manager

4 votes

Elements to Objects

17 votes

A simple detach tool that explodes the selected objects into their elements.

Explode Spline Elements

0 votes

A small tool for quickly exploding all selected splines and shapes elements into separate objects. Support for turning on and off Undo for speeding up the process.

Delete Vray Denoiser extra elements

1 vote

Vray introduced Vray Denoiser lately which is post rendering process using extra passes which is mostly you won't need it on composting and for production its taking too much space

this simple script will delete it for you.


Randomize Elements

18 votes

 Randomize elements the easy way. Slow as hell with complex models (500k poly and more).

Vray Light Select Elements

2 votes

—- With One Simple Button Create One VrayLightSelect Element for each Instances Light
—- Rename RenderElement with name of light
-- Ignore Targets

Inspired by the script of "ecXimer" "Auto Render Element VRayLightSelect" I created a new function more simple, with one unique button create one render element VrayLightSelect for each Instances Lights.

Normalize Render Elements

3 votes

---- Description:
---- Normalize file Path of render elements.
---- Change all or selected render elements extensions to unique extension, and extension can be diferent that file name OutPutPath render.
---- Set a diferent path to render elements and output render.
---- 1.1
-----Fix little Bug in update name output file with name output elements


1 vote


Manages the creation of VRay Light Select Elements based on a layer naming convention.

All lights on a layer will be included in that Light Select Element.

Layers are found by matching the pattern of the nameTag variable. You can change this variable if necessary for your pipeline by using the slender button at the top of the dialog.

Default nameTag = "*lgt_*"  (fe: lgt_sun, lgt_key, etc...)




2 votes

Creates a VRay Light Select Element for each light in your scene.

Elements are named with prefix of the nameTag variable. You can change this variable if necessary for your pipeline. To do so you will need to open the script and modify the variable within the struct.

Default nameTag = "lgt_"

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