Randomize Elements

19 votes
Author Name: 
Vojtech Cada

 Randomize elements the easy way. Slow as hell with complex models (500k poly and more).

Additional Info: 

Installation: Copy the .ms file to your scripts\startup folder or run as a script if you only want to try it out. The modifier will be available in the Modifier List.

Notes: If you want to exit the Generate loop, hold the Esc key. When using Show Once update option and switching to baseobject/different modifier in stack and back, you have to click the Update button once again to show the randomization. Exercise caution when using this for complex meshes.

Credits: The original getMeshElements function comes from Jorge Rodríguez (aka PolyTools3D).

Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2016
randomizeElements.ms8.67 KB


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camouflage98's picture


Yes you were right.
I've deleted the mcg randomize elements, it works great.
Thank you so much.

Swordslayer's picture


That means you already have some other plugin called RandomizeElements present (might be MCG). You can edit the very first line of this one to use a different class identifier.

camouflage98's picture

This isn't working and showing and Runtime error.

This isn't working and showing an error.

--Runtime error: Plugin redefinition: cannot change class ID. RandomizeElements.
this is the message.
Is there any way we can fix this?

pixamoon's picture

Thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing +1 great tool

joelauduo's picture

Thank you very mush~

Great help to me :)
If you can make function like this script, That's perfect!
http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/super-detach script
Thanks again!

Swordslayer's picture

Thanks for the stack trace

Bummer, I've used a non-standard +- character there and it gets merged with the closing " character :/ Re-upped the file saved in UTF-8, not sure if that can help. If not, open the file in script editor, notepad or other text editor and delete all the "±" (or use the attached randomizeElements_replaced.ms file where I've already done it).

Thanks for patience and hope you will find the modifier useful.

randomizeElements_replaced.ms 8.61 KB
joelauduo's picture

Thanks you for help~

Not old, 3dsmax2016 ext1 sp2

-- Error occurred during fileIn in "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\startup\randomize_elements.ms"; line number: 144
>> MAXScript Auto-load Script Error - C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\startup\randomize_elements.ms Exception:
-- Syntax error: at ?, expected
-- In line: spinner spnPosY "? p <<
-- Error occurred during fileIn in "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\Startup\randomize_elements.ms"; line number: 144
-- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\Startup\randomize_elements.ms; position: 4744; line: 144
>> MAXScript FileIn Exception:
-- Syntax error: at ?, expected
-- In line: spinner spnPosY "? p <<

Swordslayer's picture

Old max version, maybe?

Check the requirements, it only works with max 2016 and higher. The .mse is just an encrypted version of plaint-text .ms, that won't help you.

joelauduo's picture

Thanks for sharing but can't work

can't work idont know why
please up .mse thank U

lightcube's picture

I'll share it with you

I'll share it with you tomorrow. I had some hacky caching to get it to work, yes :) But it was mostly OK except rotations odd in some occasions.


Shawn Olson

Developer of Wall Worm

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