Tagged 'mirror'

Mapping Operations

1 vote

Mapping Operations is designed to help you apply various relational functions, by relating directly one set of user selected objects to another set as a mapping text file.

Mirror Animation Modifier

86 votes

Mirror position/rotation animation tool written as modifier.

Mirror Animation

Mirror Objects

10 votes

Let's you mirror objects, but unlike the built in mirror tool, it won't return your objects with an inverted scale.

Mirror Shatter

2 votes

Shatters objects into specified amount of segments, aswell as radial segments.

The amount of segments, the center of the shattering, the amount of radial segments, bias towards/away from center, angle, and secondary angle (for radial segments and segments) can all be changed, and almost all of them also can be randomized (all randomization(apart from center) is a percentage, and constrained, however it is still possible to create overlapping pieces and/or incorrectly shatter).



2 votes

Script to mirror (or symmetry) morph targets. Just run the script.


1 vote



25 votes

Morphix reorders the vertices of one model to match the vertex order of another model. This obviously only works for models which share the exact same number of vertices, edges and faces. Also, the topology of both objects have to be the same.

rBSymPick – symmetry modifier

1 vote



Simple script for add symmetry modifier by clicking point(s). By default when adding symmetry, the mirror position is created at object’s pivot. This script helps to define mirror position automatically by picking point(s).

3 methods:

Reverse Animation

38 votes

This simple script reverses the animation of the selected objects. It uses the current time range as the beginning and end point for reversing the animation.

Just run the script and make a selection then hit Reverse Animation!


SymMapping_Tools for max

17 votes

This tool was created by inspired from XSI symmetry mapping with some additional feature for max and its saved on external files for easy to use. Works on editable_poly object.

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