SymMapping_Tools for max

17 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Ishak Suryo Laksono

This tool was created by inspired from XSI symmetry mapping with some additional feature for max and its saved on external files for easy to use. Works on editable_poly object.

This tools provide easy way to create morph target or manipulating symmetrical geometry without messing up vertex ID. You just simply manipulating half of the object then after finish just let the tools do the rest of the job as what you want like mirroring,symmeterize,or even fixing object using matching reference object. This tools also working on non symmetrical object but only non-symmetrical vertex will be ignored. fill free to sent me feedback on [email protected] enjoy!


Additional Info: 

- select geometry object.
- make sure your object are in default (symmetrical)
- choose mirror axis (X/Y/Z)
- press create if you never create symmap file before otherwise you just simply press open on the open file group
- after created, the file will be automaticly appear in the open file. This will be your working file.
- then you can start manipulating your object then use the tools for symmeterize/mirroring or even fixing the model after you assign as morph target

Version Requirement: 
written and tested on 3ds max 2009
symmapping_tool_v1.0.ms9.89 KB


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ishak's picture

[email protected] . Sama2

[email protected] . Sama2 belajar bro. Saling share aja...

fajar's picture

boleh minta mail nya nggak ?

boleh minta mail nya nggak ? aku juga baru belajar maxscript nih... kalo bisa, boleh nambah ilmu ama situ.....

ishak's picture

yup, salam kenal!

yup, salam kenal!

fajar's picture

are you indonesian ?

are you indonesian ?

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