Tagged 'MCG'

MCG Silly String

1 vote

Video should explain it......

Angle Controller

1 vote

A simple MCG controller to allow the user to put in angle numbers without having to convert them to radians first or using a script controller.

Installation: Google how to install an MCG file if you don't know.

Compatible 3dsmax 2016 EXT 1 +

MCG Renderable Points

2 votes

No the question isn't WHY...but rather WHY NOT all these years. Since there's RenderableSpline, why not Points ?

Installation: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/3ds-max/learn-explore/caas/CloudH...

Then can be found in Modifier dropdown list. It will work on Mesh/Splines, even if your mesh consists of all isolated verts...there's no requirements for proper 'polys'.

MCG Muscle

5 votes

I'm calling this Muscle deform because that's what I set out to use it for but it can deform one mesh with another. Requires a vertex colour modifier underneath this modifier to enable it. The Bool is to determine if the deform happens with Red colour vert or green colour vert's.

MCG Flatpack Fold/Spline

0 votes

So Mythbusters proved you can't physically fold anything on itself more than 7 times...well you can use this MCG and fold stuff however many times you want...as long as you've got enough verts !!!

A picture won't do jack...as what does a flatpack look like.....? a flat box....so you'll have to watch the video to see the effect.

Iterations is how many times you've folded it. Why is it not an integer ?...so you could animate 'fraction' of a fold, that's why.


MCG Path Finder

1 vote

This MCG finds Paths between Starting Points and End Points using Waypoints.



Then can be found in Create>Shape>Vu

MCG Sweep Scale

6 votes

You can use a Sweep to loft on multi-curve spline....but you lose the Scale functionality of the normal Loft. Enter this....MCG Sweep Scale.



Then can be found in modifier list (naturally, you should add a Sweep first)


1 vote

This MCG creates a bounding shape around your Spline. It was originally designed for splines...but you may use it for Mesh as well. This has the advantage over BBox as BBox cannot conform to the contours of your objects.

Installation: Scripting>Install Max Creation Graph...

Then can be found in Create>Shapes>Vu

Use it to obtain a 'footprint' of the object...or feed that footprint to Utility>Measure and get the length of the Bounding Shape.

MCG Looper

1 vote

Requirements: Max 2016 + Ext1/2 + SP3. Max 2017/18

This MCG will blend the last few frames of your (vertex) animated mesh so that it will create a seamless loop. Works directly on your mesh as a modifier, no need for 'cloning' around. You can also adjust Start/End of animation easily.



Then can be found in modifier dropdown list.

Wavy pattern

3 votes

Tool for creating patterned grids
Wavy pattern