Tagged 'texture'


10 votes

Script transports the material from one object to another without materialeditor. Скрипт передаёт материал от одного объекта другому без материалэдитора.


Image Resizing 3ds Max

2 votes


13 votes

The vrayColorTool will insert vraycolormaps into every available textureslot in the diffusechannel of a material. The new vraycolormap will hold the appropriate colorvalue. This wil enable artists to convert materials to a gamma-oriented workflow. The script will also remove the vraycolormaps if needed.

mass filtering

21 votes

this script changes filtering type and blur value for a number of textures at once


Bitmap Paths

24 votes


Adjust your bitmap paths ... hope it helps :D

AutoFloor UVs

0 votes

AutoFloor UVs it's the perfect tool when you're dealing with a single seamless Texture and you need to map a Floor-Generator object.


RH Check ATS Maps

22 votes

This script goes through all the .max files in a given folder and checks if all the assets in the Asset Tracking System have their status set to "Ok". Once its done it pops an info box thats shows how many files where checked, and then gives you the name of the .max files that were wrong.

UV Cage Rendrer

0 votes


This script is now a part of CheckMate tools by POPA_3D

 please checkout 



4 votes

Texture Lister

0 votes


Texture Lister Help

 This script is inspired and use Collect asset by antomor as references.

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