Tagged 'measure'


44 votes

Scale tool coded as modifier plugin


Macro Snippets

26 votes

Show Vert Nums
Quick Z Direction
Distance to Clipboard
Angle to Clipboard

Speed Meter

21 votes

Script for measure object's speed in scene. It shows speed in km/h and work only with metric units type.

-fixed bug with warning window if you have bad system units

THIS SCRIPT IS NO LONGER SELF-DISTIBUTED, YOU CAN FIND LATEST VERSION IN MY PACKAGE: http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/frodos-magic-scripts-pack


14 votes

Measure and show edges length, segments length and faces area in real time. Work with Splines, Editable_Poly and  Editable_mesh objects and Edit_Poly modifier.
--        In Polygon/Element sub-object level will show the selected faces area in generic units only.
--        In Edge/Border sub-object level will show the length of selected edges in user defined units.

miauu's Script Pack vol.1

14 votes

miauu's Script Pack is a set of scripts that will help you to make faster and easier some of the tedious task when you use 3ds Max.

miauu's Script Pack include:

Unit Switcher

9 votes

This is a simple script that allows you to switch the display units with a button click.
This came about during a modeling job where the client provided the measurements in different units.
This script was made in Max 2010, but it should work in earlier versions.


8 votes

Select 3 vertices and run the script.
The script will calculate the angles at the vertices.
It will create spheres at the vertices, named by angle.

Tape Measure

3 votes

This script started out as a reply to the question of how to assign a shortcut to the tape measure, :)

Doom Spline Resizer - draw line with precise lenght

3 votes

This simple script will let you draw precise lines quickly almost as a CAD software!
It will Set the pivot to the first vertex of a shape object and align it to the first segment. A window will show up allowing to set the Lengh of a spline scaling from the first vertex.

You can find the mcr script in the Category:"_Scripts"
The .ms script will just load on RUN

For best use associate the script to a Key button (es. D that is free by default)
You can add a toolbar button found in "# Scripts" category
Use the key or press the toolbar button to start drawing a line

Measure Distance-Extend

2 votes

this Script for Measuring the Distance between 2 points (Similar to 3ds Max Measure Distance Tool), But with Projection Distance on X,Y and Z Axis - to exit Script window press Escape . How to Install: Drop it to any 3dsmax viewport or from Scripting menu / run Script you will find it in _My Scripts_ Category. How it Works: this is MacroScript so you need to make shortcut or quad menu or toolbar button to it better to make shortcut to it something like (Alt+M) Execute the macro and pick 2 points .

UPDATE v1.1 :

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