Tagged 'Proxy'

Corona Proxies Tool

2 votes

Select you corona proxies and press a button - "Solid Bounding Box", "Wire Bounding Box", "Point Cloud" and "Full Mesh" to switch the procies. This scrip is written and tested at 3ds max 2016. If you have some problem with your max version please text me.

Script category: “#todorScripts”.

You can downlod it from my website:


2 votes

Brings in the geometry mesh of the VRay Proxy at the same position and with the same hierarchy as the proxy container.


1 vote


For each object in your selection a proOptimzer modifier will be applied and calculated to the percentage you specify.


Once applied and you can update the spinner in the UI and see your objects update in real-time.



Harry's Proxy Creator

1 vote

This script is very similar to a script Jason Schleifer wrote from Maya, it allows you to split a predefined object into several segments based on the transforms of special cutter objects, these segments can then be linked back into a skeleton hierarchy. The advantage of displaying segmented geometry in the viewport rather than the skinned mesh is that you get faster playback speeds.

When you evaluate this script it create a new "Category" in the "Customize User Interface" window called "Harry's Proxy Creator" where you'll find the tool

Proxif - Vray proxy "fixer"

1 vote

This is very simple script I did for "fixing" proxies in 3ds max 2014 and up.
When working with a lot of proxies in 3ds Max 2014, viewport gets very very buggy. The problem is when "preview from file" in VRayProxys display option is checked. So this script finds all the proxies in the scene and changes then to "preview from file (faces)" which seems to fix this viewport problem!
Script will not make any changes if some proxies are grouped.


1 vote

Q-Proxies 3dsmax plugin - banner

Instant Proxy Meshes for Scene Optimization



Automatically create multiple proxy objects that replace your high-poly meshes to speed up your work on heavy scenes.

MCloth Animator [MassFX]

0 votes

MCloth Animator

MCloth Animator allows you to simulate mCloth on any animated mesh directly, including the 'Skin' modifier of your character! Your mesh will stay original and not being simplified (as 'convex'). No more headache with proxy objects or exporting to other software. MCloth Animator will simulate selected objects automatically with only 1 button! Don't waste your time for routine.
Third party plugins are natively supported.

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