Proxif - Vray proxy "fixer"

1 vote
Author Name: 
Strahinja Drazic

This is very simple script I did for "fixing" proxies in 3ds max 2014 and up.
When working with a lot of proxies in 3ds Max 2014, viewport gets very very buggy. The problem is when "preview from file" in VRayProxys display option is checked. So this script finds all the proxies in the scene and changes then to "preview from file (faces)" which seems to fix this viewport problem!
Script will not make any changes if some proxies are grouped.

Additional Info: 

Drag the file to you 3ds max.
You will find script under category "StrScripts" named "Proxif".

Version Requirement: 
Other Software Required: 
strscripts_proxif.ms220 bytes


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Marksman's picture


Dude I had a problem with loading scenes with proxies and the boxes bugged out and covered the entire scene. THIS FIXED IT!!!! THANKS SO MUCH MAN!!! I looked all over the internet for a fix!!!!!!!!!

fajar's picture

mapped fn setDiplay x mode:1

mapped fn setDiplay x mode:1 =
	x.display = mode
fn setDisp diplayMode:1	=
	sel =for i in geometry where classof i == vrayproxy collect i
	setDiplay sel mode:diplayMode	
start = timeStamp()
disableSceneRedraw ()	
setCommandPanelTaskMode #create
setDisp diplayMode:2
enableSceneRedraw ()	
end = timeStamp()
format "Processing took % seconds\n" ((end - start) / 1000.0)

I think its much faster.

MaximuM's picture

I love you !

Until I found this script it was a huge pain in my viewport on a simple 3dsmax 2015 scene using a small bunch of Vray proxies, but you saved my life, your script works PERFECTLY, everything is running so fast now in my viewport !


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