3DS Max Rotate And Scale Using Snap

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Date Updated: 
Miled Rizk

In this video, we will learn how to use Snap to Rotate and Scale objects,
Using any point in the scene.

Application Version: 
3DS Max 2018


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miledrizk's picture

Hi, Yes, it works with the


Yes, it works with the sub-object selection, without the need to use Lock,
In an Editable Poly, Mesh, or Patch object, also if you applied
An Edit Poly, Patch, or Mesh modifiers.
All you have to do is select the sub-object elements, make sure
You have the option Use Selection Center.

This video is about rotating and scaling the Object, not its sub-object
Elements, using Snap.

aksmfakt132's picture


This is also available in editable poly (even rotation)
Pretty nice feature, but it works in a toggle
It would be better if you change it to only work while pressing, not the toggle.

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