Tagged 'Scripts'

Array Dome Lighting

5 votes

Rollout interface

Array Dome Lighting v2.0.ms

The idea behind Array Dome Lighting was to write a simple script that quickly creates faked global illumination for a scene using a dome array of spotlights, and yet is still highly adjustable to suit various situations.

Building Height Calculator

5 votes

Rollout Interface

Building Height Calculator v1.0.ms

Click Tree

9 votes

Rollout Interface

Click Tree v1.0.ms

The idea behind Click Tree was to write a
script that allows the user to plant simple
massing type model trees, of various type
and size, on a surface simply by clicking.

Blow Grass

6 votes

Lets you automatically animate the 'bend' modifier on multiple objects to simulate blowing grass.


4 votes

My second script. The only thing it does is creating & setting one of those annoying skydomes from the old tutorials (still very usefull for people like me). I haven't seen other people skydome tutorials so i cant comment on them(though theirs are probably better than this one) - but i like mine it saves me some time - and hopefully yours too.



14 votes

A procedural graph paper texture. The essential part of this material
are both Gradient Ramps (horizontal and vertical) that define tiling
and line management. Colors are defined by the top mix or output map
(depending on material version).

Editable Poly to ADD Edit Poly (vertex transformer)

8 votes

(vertex) to ADD as Modifier (vertex position) for clone Object

Split Hard Edges

17 votes

It's split all edges which seems like hard. I writed it for make possible to export geometry with single smoothing group without losing information of smoothing.


11 votes

This script can quickly fix object's gizmo and maintain the relationship.

It can just replace the transform gizmo with what you see on screen,

the movie can show how it work.


6 votes

A small function script that automates the process of connecting a four way spline control for use in facial animation to four morph shapes placed in any order on a morph modifier and named appropriately. It takes five parameters - four morph shapes and the name of the control handle.

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