Tagged 'Rotate'

Align Pivot to Direction

8 votes

 Align Pivot to DIrection(vector) allows you to align the X, Y,Z or XYZ axis of the local pivot of each of the selected objects to the direction(vector), defined by two picked in the scene points. SNAP will be turned ON automatically.  If the Shift key is down when the axis is choosen the pivot will be moved to the first picked point.

Version 1.1 should works properly with Pen(tablets).

Circle Array

27 votes


Like 3ds Max Array tool but with custom picked rotate axis.
The rest you can see in the screenshot.


Coordinate Center Macros

21 votes

These are 3 simple macros I use to add shortcuts for the transform coordinate center options.

Copy Paste Transforms

39 votes

Adavanced Control over Copy, Paste and mirror of Transforms. Paste Transform onto the same object or multiple other objects. Good For Copy and pasting of poses on a rig. 

Copy Paste Transforms Screencap trimmed

DesignToolBox - tools for architecture & design

4 votes

Design Toolbox is a collection of tools specially designed to accelerate and simplify basic modeling tasks for architectural models, furniture design, and other tasks where accurate modeling is needed. Professionals used to CAD or precision software will find it very familiar with some of the included transformation tools, like reference rotation, scale and position, measurement tools and reference guides.

The ability to place snapping points at polylines intersections, visual rulers, fast UVW mapping and random transform, cloning tools, scene management, panel grids, fast pivot placement, and workplanes are some of the tools included, and new ones are added with each update.

Easy Rotate

7 votes

I'd like to present to you a newer version of Easy Rotate with some new features, bug fixes and source code improvements.

Rotor Animation

 Screenshot of Easy Rotate 1.2

Hey whats up guys!

Frodo's Magic Scripts Pack

74 votes


this is a small package of my latest scripts, i hope you'll find them usefull.

Camera lister - usefull for fast navigation and selection of scene cameras
Autobackup check - you'll never forget to turn autoback on
Speed meter - measures speed of selected object
Grider - slices object by grid
Center & Reset - resets xform and centers pivot
Aligh spline to Z - flattens spline in Z direction
Object ID - assigns random g-buffer ID to whole scene

Graph Transform

5 votes

a 3dsMax Script for Applying Transform to Objects By Controlling Graph Curve.


26 votes

Randomly transform move, rotation, and scale on any number of objects or groups.

This one is base on Neil Blevins RandomTransform.ms

Incremental Transform

14 votes

A script to move or rotate an object set of ObjName[_###] Will work on multiple ObjNames, but provides confirmation request for mis-matched object base names. Objects are sorted in alphanumeric name order for incremental transformation, i.e., obj_001 +10 deg., obj_002 +20 deg, obj_003 +30 deg...

Axis-space selectable. Not very elegant, but seems to work OK.

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