Tagged 'modifier'

World-Space to Local Animation

1 vote

Bakes an objest's World-Space/Space Warp animation to a copy, using local Point Cache modifier. Then you can apply local modifers on top to continue animating the object's deformation locally.

Note: this is a preliminary version. It saves always a temporary .xml file for the Point Cache, wich you can rename, relocate and reload, to preserve it. In future versions, this could be set at the script’s UI by the user.

Compatible with 3dsMax 2012 and higher.

Grow Vertex Selection

2 votes

Grow selection leveraging the Data Channel modifier. For more information, refer to the original discussion.

: DataChannel GrowVertSel

This is a self-contained modifier and is applied as such, it's not a Data Channel preset.

Create Holes

22 votes

Modifier for creating holes from selected vertices or polygons.

Available Lite version.

Delete Faces Modifier

2 votes

The DeleteFaces modifier allows you to delete faces on a mesh without having to add topology dependent modifiers like Poly Select.

V2 is now a compiled C++ plugin for Max 2015-2018.


Version 2.1

* Added support for Max 2018.

* Fixed some problems with Delete Faces.

* Fixed isolated vertices not being deleted.

* Added button in Custom Attribute to delete the rollout when it persists after the modifier list has been collapsed.

Version 2.0

* Adds new options for how to handle smoothing groups: match any, match all, match none.

Edge Selection from SmoothGroups

5 votes

Modifier that converts smoothing group borders to edge selection. If you want to display the result, put a Mesh Select modifier below this one and make its edge mode active.

Multi Slicer Pro

19 votes

Multi Slicer Pro is a maxscript file that cuts your object with slicer modifier on any number of slicers, retaining at the same time the modifiers stack and providing you with an interface to control the parameters of the modifiers added to an object. As a result you have a setup that allows creating complex and unexpected animations of your object. Have free version.

SnapVertsToGrid Modifier

2 votes

This is a simplemod plugin that will snap all the vertices of the object to the grid based on the grid snap spacing value.

Note that this modifier is the legacy version. If you have Max 2016+, you should use Brushify instead.

InsetFix Modifier

16 votes

An inset-by-SG type modifier that works similar to Chamfer modifier when set to zero tension. However, the max chamfer modifier is highly topology dependent and doesn't work well with diagonal and unconnected edges. This modifier fixes that behavior:

The insetFixChamferStack scripted modifier automates the process of using the InsetSGFix modifier with a Chamfer modifier for a quick and clean rounded edges effect.

Toggle Turbosmooth , shell , and Symmetry

2 votes

Turbosmooth helper dialog

This is a simple script allows you to quickly toggle ( on or off ) all: turbosmooth , shell , and Symmetry modifers in the scene. I use it to control detail levels while I'm building up a scene. To use:

Inset by Smoothing Group

12 votes

As the mcg installation process was pretty convoluted, I decided to redo the InsetBySmoothingGroup modifier in maxscript - the speed is the same and you don't have to care about different versions of max behaving different, connecting disconnected nodes and all that stuff. Now it's just one .ms file, and there's no vertex weld needed either.

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