Tagged 'modifier'


44 votes

Scale tool coded as modifier plugin


Camera Resolution Mod

10 votes

Camera Resolution Mod is a modifier for 3ds Max which allows you to set the render resolution for each camera individually.

miauu's Modifiers' Gizmo Aligner

0 votes

miauu's Modifiers' Gizmo Align allows you to quickly align the gizmo of the Symmetry and Slice modifiers by picking 3 points in the scene



This a commercial script. You can find more information here.


4 votes

TurboTriSmooth is a modifier for 3ds Max that subdivides triangle meshes while producing smoother results and nicer topology than the standard TurboSmooth. It can be used on triangulated models, cloth, scans, decimated meshes, fluid simulations, terrain or on any triangle mesh. Get it from https://mariussilaghi.com/products/turbotrismooth

Universal Select By

9 votes

Clothify Pro

4 votes

Clothify Pro is a modifier for 3ds Max that makes modeling and animating cloth easy, controllable, artist-friendly, fast and non-destructive.
Get it from https://mariussilaghi.com/products/clothify-pro

Contrast Pro

2 votes

Contrast Pro is a modifier for 3ds Max that enhances the details of 3d models. It allows you to quickly add contrast to whole models or to highlight only some specific areas. Areas with large and small polygons can be set to receive the same amount of contrast with the "Uniform" option. Get it from https://mariussilaghi.com/products/contrast-pro

Advanced Bend Modifier

6 votes

A maxscript that gives the user more control over the bend modifier
It lets the user input a width and the script will move the center to get the correct width


- uses smart snap to snap to a custom grid
- easily choose angle and direction
- apply new bend modifier with correct offset
- auto update current bendmodifier with selected settings
- realtime update of all settings!
- support for all 4 directions and 4 angles (90 180 270 360)
- choose your final width
- modify multiple selections at same time
- snap position to grid

RC Camera Mod

2 votes

RC Camera Mod is a modifier for 3ds Max that will help you control the visibility of specific objects for each camera individually.

RC Camera Mod

Relax Pro

3 votes

Relax Pro is a modifier for 3ds Max that smooths meshes while preserving their volume unlike the standard Relax which shrinks them a lot. You can set it to slide vertices over the surface so no volume loss happens. Get it from https://mariussilaghi.com/products/relax-pro

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