Tagged 'transform'

Reduce Transform Keys

17 votes

This is not my first attempt at writing max script, I've hacked a ittle around the edges with adding custom attributes - Thanks PEN - but this is my first attempt at a useful/functional tool.

Reduce Your Transform Keys is designed to strip away all the transforms that don't do anything.

By default the range is set to your current animation range but you can confine the key pruning to a specific region for your timeline.

I don't like losing the key a frame 0 so I added a radiobutton to add one and ...


23 votes

Save and restore unlimited views.
You can save views in one scene and load them in another scene.
Double click in the list to restore the saved view.


The idea come from AutoCAD where you can save up to 5 views. Im not sure (never see) how exactly this feature works in AutoCAD, I just read about this in the ScriptSpot.com, and I hope this tool is useful anyway ;-)

Reset XForm

21 votes

PEN Reset Xform is designed to make the task of resetting xforms on objects easier. This is done by automating the process of locating objects that need to have their xforms orthogonalized and or normalized. Objects that have been mirrored at the object level or scaled at the object level in any way will result in a transform matrix that doesn't have all of its axes at right angles to each other or the axes are not one unit in length. 


12 votes

This script use for morpher symmetry + video Tutorial Transform move (Left to Right) (Right to Left) 


21 votes

A simple script I wrote for my daily work. Maybe it will be useful for someone.
Rotation and Scale transormations are restricted to "geometry" and "helper" objects to avoid any errors.

- ROTATE selected objects by selected angle in specified axis
- RESET position / rotation / scale of selected objects in selected or all axes
- ALIGN position / rotation / scale of selected objects to min / average / max in specified axes
- apply a RANDOM (with given min and max values) position / rotation / scale in specified axes to selected objects.

Easy Rotate

7 votes

I'd like to present to you a newer version of Easy Rotate with some new features, bug fixes and source code improvements.

Rotor Animation

 Screenshot of Easy Rotate 1.2

Hey whats up guys!


4 votes

MaxCopyPaste Poster

"Copy-paste on steroids" with some extra features such as clipboard history, drawing and placing objects on top of your geometry, and copying objects between 3Ds Max instances. You can choose whether to duplicate materials when you paste an object. Instancing is supported now. Return the missing functionality that makes your workflow intuitive and fast. Watch the video for more details.

Copy/Paste transforms

13 votes

Copies the transforms of selected objects to a
buffer and then pastes them onto a new or existing selection.
It has the option to paste the position and/or the
and can paste it flipped around a world or custom object's
Handy for mirroring poses or animation rig components.

AndyE Tools v1.0

36 votes

Stick Locator

23 votes

Stick Locator
version 1.2

written by Mayec Rancel


Creates a point dummy, and parents it to the reference object's vertex/center,
using controller expressions.

This is useful to parent other objects to a specific part of a deforming
mesh, or an object whose transforms have been 'baked' (e.g. point cache).

I have found it specially useful, in FX work, for particle/fluid emitters.

- Only the 'center' method can be used with splines.
- When using 'vertex' method, the dummy's rotation will align to the