Tagged 'transform'

Assembly Tool

11 votes

Assembly Tool
is a massive set of useful scripts and tools gathered in one place! It is a real friend and permanent assistant in artists' daily work, which can help to work faster, more efficiently and more productive! Assembly Tool can help to optimize many areas of 3ds Max workflows, accelerate the performance of your work in 3ds Max in general and make it much easier and more fun!


4 votes

MaxCopyPaste Poster

"Copy-paste on steroids" with some extra features such as clipboard history, drawing and placing objects on top of your geometry, and copying objects between 3Ds Max instances. You can choose whether to duplicate materials when you paste an object. Instancing is supported now. Return the missing functionality that makes your workflow intuitive and fast. Watch the video for more details.

DesignToolBox - tools for architecture & design

4 votes

Design Toolbox is a collection of tools specially designed to accelerate and simplify basic modeling tasks for architectural models, furniture design, and other tasks where accurate modeling is needed. Professionals used to CAD or precision software will find it very familiar with some of the included transformation tools, like reference rotation, scale and position, measurement tools and reference guides.

The ability to place snapping points at polylines intersections, visual rulers, fast UVW mapping and random transform, cloning tools, scene management, panel grids, fast pivot placement, and workplanes are some of the tools included, and new ones are added with each update.

Pro Transform

1 vote

A Script for applying interactive transform on selected object.

Graph Transform

5 votes

a 3dsMax Script for Applying Transform to Objects By Controlling Graph Curve.


4 votes

Key Transfer

171 votes

Object's Normal Fix

2 votes

Small Scripts to fix the Normal of selected shapes (Exrtude Direction)  .

- Select Shapes to Fix .

- Run the Script .

- One LeftClick on any Surface to get the Normal from it , then RightClick to Exit .

Another Script Added to Auto Fix Shapes Orientation .

* If you have 3d Curved Shape its better to use the First Script to do Manual Fix .

- UPDATE 1 :

  • Make the Macros Visible/Enabled When the Selection Contain Shapes .

- UPDATE 2 :

Universal Transform

4 votes

Universal Transform has Alot of Featuers for Moving Rotating Scaling Randomizing Scattering Objects and Working with Pivot and Working Pivot and More .

The Script has 5 Modes (Move, Rotate, Scale, Pivot, Random) . and 3 Type of Auto Switching to Switch Between Them (to not Get Confussed) .

The 3 Auto Modes is (Auto T, Auto D, and The MacroScript (Universal Transform - Auto Switch)) .

- it has 3 Options :

1- By Spinners or (Type-in) .

Universal Arrange

4 votes


This Script for Arranging Selected Objects in 1 or 2 or 3 Axis . You Can Control the Offset on each Axis and the Number of Rows (When Using 2 or 3 Axis). Notes: Press Right Click on any Axis to Arrange the Objects on this Axis Only.

Version 1.2

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