Tagged 'UVW'

Z Manager

2 votes


This is a 3dsMax manager tool, preferably for Vray users, very useful for editing architectural models created with other software (eg. ArchiCAD) and fast scene setup. Very useful tools for Selection, Rendering, Incremental Rendering, Copy/Paste objects from other scenes, Material Replacer, Animation with Moving Objects, Exporting/Importing Vray Proxy with material and so on...

Refine by 2 Vertices

1 vote

This Script will Add 2 vertices for each vertex in the Selected Spline by Specified Percent
(its useful for fixing the UV for Sweep modifier)
Hope you find it useful.

Transfer UV

34 votes

Helps you to transfer texture coordinates from one objects to another with identical topology. The feature of this script is that they can transfer UV`s from multiple objects and correct some errors arising with importing .obj files, like vertex reordering or removing mid-edge vertexes when you export objects to .obj.

Updated to version 1.2 - rewritten vertex order sync, must work much better!

Demo video: http://www.mikems.ru/files/videos/TransferUVsDemo_lq.avi


4 votes

Hello, it's a simple script which make life easier for game-dev 3d artists.

Channel Cleaner 1.2

Channel Cleaner:

-Clean selected UV channel

-Clean several UV  channels "From: N-channel To: N-channel"

-Clean Vertex Color/Illumination/Alpha channels

-Works with editable poly and mesh

-Works with one and multiple objects

Thats all.

UPDATED to version 1.2:


11 votes

morphMap is a tool to map low-res objects (as those used in video games). Works on meshes and polys. Now It's a multi-select tool: you can select several objects at the same time or you can select severals groups of faces of the same object.
The interface is left/right dockable.

There are 3 main modules :
+ the function 'morphMap' : the picture follows the mapped surface in one click. (The uvs will be like a square)
+ the function 'Face Map' : an advanced face mapping. The number of points in the face have no importance: that does work with all faces.


6 votes

This script has 2 goals:
1) It is a tutorial for people learning Maxscript
2) It also help artists save time when setting UVs on meshes or patches.

NRB Random UVW

8 votes

This is a simple script that adds to the selected objects a UVW map modifier and moves the UVW gizmo (on this case a box gizmo) randomly on each object. It's useful for example when you have many wood doors and want to give them different texture coordinates.


16 votes

Automatic scaling elements of unwrapUVW rather each other.

UVW Randomizer

2 votes



Randomizer is a plugin to create UVW maps in several objects at the same time with the intention of randomize the position and rotation of them. It can be useful in the creation of objects with the same material but different pattern like tiled floors.

Override -Selection Mode- & -Convert Selection- in EditablePoly/UnwrapUVW

19 votes

This script override selection mode in EditablePoly/UnwrapUVW AND allow to Convert subobject selection to an another in EditablePoly and Unwrap

Hit 1 or 2/3/4/5 ==> go in vertex/edge/..() mode
Re-hit 1 or 2/3/4/5 ==> go in object mode and you can select another object!
I have added a line, with "Max modify mode", like this, if your are not in "modify panel" when you select an object and hit 1 to set vertex mode, the script go automatically in the panel "modify"

Go in Customize User Interface, Group "Main UI", Category "zOffTy Tools" and set
1 for epoly_vertex