
4 votes
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Hello, it's a simple script which make life easier for game-dev 3d artists.

Channel Cleaner 1.2

Channel Cleaner:

-Clean selected UV channel

-Clean several UV  channels "From: N-channel To: N-channel"

-Clean Vertex Color/Illumination/Alpha channels

-Works with editable poly and mesh

-Works with one and multiple objects

Thats all.

UPDATED to version 1.2:

- Added selection method, now you can select objects which have more than N channels.

- Select option - it's about include hidden objects or not

- Added Clean Dead Verts in Map

-Thanks vScourge from cgTalk  thread form 2006 :)

UPDATED to version 1.1:

- thanks Barigazy for code optimization


Additional Info: 

How to install:
1)Copy Channel_cleaner_v1.1.mcr to 3dsmax****/UI/MacroScripts
2)Launch 3dsmax or RunScript
3)Customize menu > Customize User Interface > toolbars or quads or shortcut tab
4)In Category select Titus_Scripts

Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2012+
channel_cleaner.mcr2.45 KB
channel_cleaner_v1.1.mcr2.5 KB
channel_cleaner_v1.2.mcr5.72 KB


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nyx702's picture

Thanks for this script! Saved

Thanks for this script! Saved me tons of time already.

barigazy's picture


Not bad for starter. Just keep up ;) U will see that fn's are most powerful thing in mxs


TitusLVR's picture

Thanx for organizing!

Yep of coarse :) also it's my first working maxscript and now i understand "case of" and "if nothing selected" expressions. And i try to understand functions - how they work. So many thanks. Can i re-upload your changes?

barigazy's picture


Nice idea for the tool. +1
I organize a bit your code if you don't mind ;)

AttachmentSize 2.7 KB


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