Tagged 'vertex'

Duplicate Geometry Select

7 votes

If selected 0 Work to all objects
If Shift pressed then will select objects by geometry vertex count.
If Shift NOT pressed then will select by center objects position

Copy 2 Vert

37 votes

While i was modeling a cinema i needed a quick way to place instances of a seat all over the place so i wrote this little script.
It aligns Copys/Instances of an object to another objects vertexes, that way i only had to pull a few splines and was done with the seats.

As its only a small tool i dont plan to include it into my ToolSet but for its usefulness i thought others could use it too to save some time so i upload it here.

Vertex Normals Stitcher

8 votes

This script averages vertex normals at the borders (Open Edges).

It allows you to smooth a surfaces after separating vertexs / edges / faces.
(example: after detaching faces or splitting edges).
It still keeping a hard Edges if the object have multiple Smoothing Group ID

Images shown are not a welding operation

New UI :

Skip Every N-th

61 votes

Skip every vert/edge/face. In Loop mode, you can skip edges and polygons. In Ring mode you can skip vertices,edges and polygons. To make poly loop select 3 faces(the middle one is starting face), check PolyLoop checkbox, set "Skip V-E-P" spinner to value greater then 2 and start skiping. You can't skip one face, only 2 or more. Ring mode does not have this limitation. "For Steps" spinner works only with edges. If you want to skip every 2 edges five times, set "Skip" spinner to 2 and "For Steps" spinner to 5. Instalation: Drag-n-drop SkipEveryNthVEPRingLoop.mzp to 3ds max.


23 votes

PolyRotor is a modeling script that based on drag & drop.

PolyRotor make it possible to select vertex, edge and faces automatically.

But it should be in Editable Poly Mode.

Resize Splines From First

27 votes

Tools that resize spline sub-objects in regard to their first vertex, one with a scaling factor, the other using a fixed size.

Pair Vertex Collapser

3 votes

3dmax Vray To Unreal Engine Converter and Vertex Color Baker

1 vote

This script can convert Vray to Unreal engine Materials and geomerty, Bake AO/GI/CustomShader to vertex Color/alpha or to texture. Also you can place All scene objects in Unreal like in 3ds max Scene in one click.

Step Gap Vert/Edge/Poly Ring (like modo selection)

73 votes

Modo selections style in 3ds max. Assign a hotkey(or button), select 2 verts/edges/faces woth desired gap between them and start pressing your hotkey. :)

Instalation: Drag-n-drop StepGapVEPRingLR.mzp and StepGapVEPRingLR.mzp in 3ds max. Go to Customize - Customize User Interface. Under "miauu" category you will find "Step Gap VEP Ring Left-Right" and "Step Gap VEP Ring Right-Left"

Big thanks to Anubis for his help.


15 votes

Two simple scripts for simplifying work with spline vertices.

  • Connect Two Vertices - connects two ending vertices with new segment.

  • Select First Vertex - selects first vertex in selected spline sub-object.