Copy 2 Vert

37 votes
Date Updated: 

While i was modeling a cinema i needed a quick way to place instances of a seat all over the place so i wrote this little script.
It aligns Copys/Instances of an object to another objects vertexes, that way i only had to pull a few splines and was done with the seats.

As its only a small tool i dont plan to include it into my ToolSet but for its usefulness i thought others could use it too to save some time so i upload it here.

Additional Info: 

works with splines, nurbs, and geometric objects

To start the script simply drag & drop the .mse file into the 3DsMax Viewport

if you need more options feel free to ask

have phun

Version Requirement: 
9 SP2 or 2008 and higher
Other Software Required: 
Copy-To-VertPos.mse3.05 KB


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Graph's picture

Little late but.. No problemo

Little late but.. No problemo :P

Thats next on my list, right after the rewrite of the Mixer tool

Raphael Steves

stenionet's picture

Good script

And could be even better if the objects stay linked to the vertex.

danhibiki's picture

Feature Request

Hi I commented on your Youtube channel earlier.

Could you please add an option in a future version to also constrain the cloned objects to the animated surface like you do with link to verts?

decon's picture

No need to get upset    Took

No need to get upset Smile 

 Took a look at your site and found lots of usefull code, all free and un-encrypted, great !!  One thing  you maybe have not thought about when encrypting, is the unpredictability of future. One example:

 Last year I was asked to modify (to make work in max2010)  3 scripts that were written by some japanese guy years ago. The person had no contact info, and I couldn't find him anywhere. Luckily the scripts were not encrypted, and it was possible to accomplish the job and save the scripts to community

Graph's picture

check my website's maxscript

check my website's maxscript section then complain again ;) i always encrypt my files to publish, its just something i do. i also help on multiple forums and give away 'gud code' and help but still.. its a thing i do :P

and sure i'll make it work on selected verts for the next release.

Raphael Steves

decon's picture

Did you have a special reason

Did you have a special reason to encrypt this script? Maybe some state-of-the-art algorithms involved ? Foot in mouth 

Just joking ...  but seriously, encrypting simple scripts like this is not very friendly thing to do.  The best practice is to reserve encrypting only for commercial (or somehow restricted ) applications. Remember, we have all learned a lot from fellow scripters free code, let's not break this great legacy.

giba's picture

hi folks, I got an error when

hi folks, I got an error when run the script:
"Syntax Error: at bad, expected
in the line: --"

thank you for help!

hey ho! let's go!

asymptote's picture

I agree with Michele71 ...

I agree with Michele71 ... copy to "selected" verts would be useful to me....
thanks for the script

Michele71's picture

Nice and really helpful. I

Nice and really helpful. I think that you can also create a function where you can decide after how many vertices you want the copy (like random, etc..) One point for you :)

bolegna's picture

Thanks so much, i was

Thanks so much, i was literally just looking for a script to do this as you posted! Good timing :)

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