Tagged 'rigging'


71 votes

This tool will change the color of bones based on their squash/stretch amount, providing the user with feedback if they have gone beyond a desired threshold. It will live update as you move around and animate in the viewport.

Piston Builder

24 votes

automatically creates a piston object between the pivot points of two selected objects and links the piston rods to the chosen objects. Good for car shocks or robots etc.


Copy Paste Transforms

39 votes

Adavanced Control over Copy, Paste and mirror of Transforms. Paste Transform onto the same object or multiple other objects. Good For Copy and pasting of poses on a rig. 

Copy Paste Transforms Screencap trimmed

Chain Rigger

7 votes


Tool for creating a rigged chain along a spline.


* create a chain of 1 or 2 different chain segments along a spline
* spline can be animated or linked and the chain will follow
* when spline is closed chain drive can be animated by an objects X-Rotation
* chain drive speed can be ajusted by a radius (of the rotation motor-object)


Please watch video tutorial below.

* create a spline and 1 or 2 chain elements
* run script and select objects

Pose Store Helper

31 votes

A scripted helper plugin designed primarily for storing, animating and editing poses in a bone based facial rig, offering the control of a bone based rig and the speed of the morpher modifier.

+++ UPDATE: Now includes mirror pose functionality.

Rigging Army Knife

28 votes

This is an advanced toolset for rigging. For a full features list refer to the included readme.

Copy/Paste transforms

13 votes

Copies the transforms of selected objects to a
buffer and then pastes them onto a new or existing selection.
It has the option to paste the position and/or the
and can paste it flipped around a world or custom object's
Handy for mirroring poses or animation rig components.


3 votes

dynamically creates scripted custom attributes...
sliders and spinner with linked values laid in a group with optional color tag and progress bars.

- update -
now with preset spinners for position/ rtation/ scale

Link Array (directional)

-14 votes

This code simply allows a users to link a selection of objects based on the order of selection. You can use either 0 or 1 to define the direction. That allows you to link everything forwards or backwards. Rather simple code but I figured someone would find use for it.

fn fnLinkArray arr dir:0= (
	if dir != 0 then (
		reverseArr = for i = arr.count to 1 by -1 collect arr[i]
		arr = reverseArr	
	for o in arr do o.parent = undefined
	for i = 1 to (arr.count-1) do
		child = arr[i]
		parent = arr[i+1]
		child.parent = parent

Easy Spring Controller Tool

1 vote

I made this script last year , but Now i made it more usable for everyone as (Spring Controller Tool)
1) Add Spring Controller to hierarchy of bones,Objects or etc...
2) Add Spring To Selection Objects (its Require The Object Hierarchy Links)
3) Add A Modifier Controller For Each Spring Controller
4) Change The Spring Values One By One
5) Change Spring Values Of Massive Group Of Objects In Hierarchy At Once , Using Offset
6) 2 Default Presets To Change Spring Values Quikly
7) Run Timeline After Every Change To Spring Value (For Catch Spring And Play Fast After)